11-K, 2000-06-30
Previous: UNITED PARK CITY MINES CO, 8-K, EX-10, 2000-06-30
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                                   Form 11-K

                    Annual Report Pursuant to Section 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                  For the Plan Period Ended December 31, 1999

                         Commission File Number 1-5358

                             SUNDSTRAND COPRORATION

                              One Financial Plaza
                          Hartford, Connecticut 06101



To the Participants and Administrator of the
  Sundstrand Corporation
  Rockford Factory Employee Savings Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
and the  related statement  of  changes in  net  assets available  for  benefits
present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for  benefits
of the  Sundstrand  Corporation  Rockford Factory  Employee  Savings  Plan  (the
"Plan") at  December 31,  1999, and  the  changes in  net assets  available  for
benefits for the period ended December  31, 1999, in conformity with  accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States.  These financial  statements
are the  responsibility  of the  Plan's  management; our  responsibility  is  to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.  We did not
audit the statement of  net assets available for  benefits at December  31,1998.
Those financial statements were audited by other auditors whose report has  been
furnished to us,  and our opinion  is based solely  on the report  of the  other
auditors.   We  conducted our  audit  of  these statements  in  accordance  with
auditing standards generally accepted in the  United States, which require  that
we plan and perform the audit  to obtain reasonable assurance about whether  the
financial statements  are free  of material  misstatement.   An  audit  includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence  supporting the amounts and disclosures  in
the  financial  statements,  assessing   the  accounting  principles  used   and
significant estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall  financial
statement presentation.  We believe that  our audit provides a reasonable  basis
for the opinion expressed above.

Our audit was  conducted for  the purpose  of forming  an opinion  on the  basic
financial statements taken as a whole.  The supplemental schedule of Assets Held
for Investment Purposes is presented for the purpose of additional analysis  and
is not a required  part of the basic  financial statements but is  supplementary
information required  by the  Department of  Labor's Rules  and Regulations  for
Reporting and Disclosure under  the Employee Retirement  Income Security Act  of
1974.  The supplemental schedule is the responsibility of the Plan's management.
The supplemental schedule has been subjected to the auditing procedures  applied
in the audit of the  basic financial statements and,  in our opinion, is  fairly
stated in all material  respects in relation to  the basic financial  statements
taken as a whole.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Hartford, CT
June 28, 2000


                        Report of Independent Auditors

Participants and Administrator of the
  Sundstrand Corporation
  Rockford Factory Employee Savings Plan

We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets available for  benefits
of the  Sundstrand Corporation  Rockford Factory  Employee  Savings Plan  as  of
December 31, 1998.   The statement of net assets  available for benefits is  the
responsibility of the Plan's  management.  Our responsibility  is to express  an
opinion  on  the  statement  of net assets available for benefits based  on  our

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally  accepted
in the Untied  States.  Those  standards require that  we plan  and perform  the
audit to obtain reasonable assurance about  whether the statement of net  assets
available for benefits  is free  of material  misstatement.   An audit  includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence  supporting the amounts and disclosures  in
the statement of  net assets  available for benefits.   An  audit also  includes
assessing the  accounting  principles used  and  significant estimates  made  by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement  presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plan at December
31, 1998, in  conformity with accounting  principles generally  accepted in  the
United States.

/s/  Ernst & Young LLP
Ernst & Young LLP
May 28, 1999
Chicago, Illinois

                  Sundstrand Corporation Rockford Factory
                         Employee Savings Plan
              Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

(Thousands of Dollars)

                                          December 31,   December 31,
                                              1999           1998
 Investments (Note 3)                       $41,333        $33,800
 Loans to participants                        2,461          2,352

Net Assets Available for Benefits           $43,794        $36,152

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                   Sundstrand Corporation Rockford Factory
                           Employee Savings Plan
          Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits

(Thousands of Dollars)
                                                        Year Ended
                                                        December 31,
Additions to net assets attributed to:
Investment income:
 Net appreciation in fair value of investments            $ 5,704
 Interest                                                     194
 Dividends                                                  1,783

 Participants'                                              4,304
     Total additions                                       11,985

Deductions from net assets attributed to:
 Distributions to participants                             (4,332)
 Administrative expenses                                      (11)
     Total deductions                                      (4,343)

Net increase                                                7,642

Net Assets Available for Benefits, December 31, 1998       36,152

Net Assets Available for Benefits, December 31, 1999      $43,794

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                  Sundstrand Corporation Rockford Factory
                           Employee Savings Plan
                       Notes to Financial Statements

1. Description of the Plan

   The Sundstrand  Corporation  Rockford  Factory  Employee  Savings  Plan  (the
   "Plan")  is  a  defined  contribution  plan  covering  all  regular,   hourly
   employees in the  collective bargaining unit  represented by  the U.A.W.  and
   its Local Union  No. 592 at  the Rockford, Illinois  plant of the  Sundstrand
   Corporation. The following  is a  brief description of  the Plan.   For  more
   complete information, participants should refer to the Plan document.

   On  June  10,   1999,  United  Technologies   Corporation  ("UTC")   acquired
   Sundstrand Corporation and merged it with  its Hamilton Standard division  to
   form a wholly owned subsidiary, Hamilton  Sundstrand Corporation.  This  Plan
   will continue to operate unless affected by any future collective  bargaining

   Contributions and Vesting
   Participants may elect to  contribute, through payroll  deductions, up to  20
   percent  of   their  eligible   compensation,  as   defined  by   the   Plan.
   Participants direct  the  investment  of  their  contributions  into  various
   investment options  offered by  the Plan.   The  Plan offered  26  investment
   options  to  the  participants  during  the  year  ended  December   31,1999:
   Sundstrand Stock Fund  (replaced by a  UTC Stock Fund);  seven Growth  Funds;
   five Growth  and  Income Funds;  three  Balanced Funds;  four  Life  Strategy
   Funds; four Fixed Income Funds; and two Money Market Funds. Plan participants
   also had the  option of  electing life  insurance coverage  through the  Life
   Insurance Fund.  Under  this option, participant  contributions were used  to
   purchase life  insurance  coverage for  the  participant and/or  his  or  her
   beneficiaries.  Effective July  1, 1996, new  policies or increased  coverage
   through the Life Insurance Fund were no longer available.  Existing  policies
   were unchanged  and  premium deductions  for  those policies  will  continue.
   Transamerica Assurance Company  is the  carrier of  life insurance  coverage.
   Participant contributions, plus actual earnings thereon, are fully vested  at
   all times under the Plan.

   Participant Accounts
   Interest,  dividends,  and  realized  and  unrealized  gains  and  losses  on
   investments of  the  funds  are  allocated  directly  to  each  participant's
   account by Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company ("Vanguard").

   Trustee and Recordkeeper
   All of the Plan's  assets are held  by Vanguard, the  Plan trustee, who  also
   has participant account recordkeeping responsibilities.

   Participant Loans
   Participants may  elect to  borrow from  their balance  in any  of the  funds
   except the Life Insurance Fund a minimum of  $500 up to a maximum of  $50,000
   or 50 percent  of their  account balance,  whichever is  less.   Participants
   borrowing from  their accounts  for  the purpose  of purchasing  a  principal
   residence may select  a repayment  term of  up to  15 years,  with all  other
   loans having a repayment term of not more than five years.  Loans are  repaid
   with interest, through  equal payroll  deductions over  the loan  term.   The
   interest rate  is equal  to the  prime  rate, published  in The  Wall  Street
   Journal on the last business day of each month.  Loan payments are  allocated
   between the individual funds based on the respective contribution  percentage
   at the time of repayment.


   Payment of Benefits
   Generally,  on  termination   of  service  due   to  death,  disability,   or
   retirement, benefits are paid in a lump sum to a terminating participant.

   The Sundstrand  Stock  Fund was  liquidated  upon the  merger  of  Sundstrand
   Corporation and UTC. Each share of Sundstrand common stock in the  Sundstrand
   Stock Fund was  converted into a  cash portion plus  a UTC  stock portion  in
   accordance with  the merger  agreement dated  February 21,  1999.   The  cash
   portion was  $35.00 per  share and  was deposited  in the  Vanguard  Treasury
   Money Market Fund.  The portion converted  to UTC stock was deposited in  the
   UTC Stock Fund.   Currently,  no further contributions  can be  made to  this

2. Summary of Accounting Principles

   Basis of Accounting
   The financial statements of  the Plan are prepared  under the accrual  method
   of accounting, except for benefits, which are recorded when paid.

   Investment Valuation and Income Recognition
   The Plan's investments  are stated at  fair value as  determined by the  Plan
   Trustee, typically by reference to published market data. The UTC Stock  Fund
   is valued at its  year-end unit closing price  (comprised of year-end  market
   price plus  the cash  position that  has  not been  invested in  UTC  stock).
   Participant loans are valued at cost, which approximates fair value.

   Purchases and  sales  of investments  are  recorded on  a  trade-date  basis.
   Interest income is accrued when earned.   Dividend income is recorded on  the
   ex-dividend date.

   Plan Expenses
   Terminated and retired participants  pay an annual  administration fee.   All
   other administrative expenses, such as  Trustee and recordkeeping fees,  were
   paid directly by the employer in 1999.

   Use of Estimates
   The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with   generally
   accepted accounting principles requires UTC management to make estimates  and
   assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements  and
   accompanying notes.  Actual results may differ from those estimates.


3. Investments

   The following presents investments that represent 5 percent or more of the
   Plan's net assets:

                                                         December 31,
                                                       1999         1998
     (thousands of dollars, except unit amounts)

     Vanguard 500 Index Fund,
       56,688 and 47,635 units, respectively          $7,671       $5,428

     Vanguard Growth Index Fund,
       68,085 and 24,148 units, respectively           2,684          764

     Vanguard Treasury Money Market Fund,
       8,810,071 and 4,946,158 units, respectively     8,810         4,946

     Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund,
       130,966 and 110,210 units, respectively         5,700         4,131

     Vanguard Windsor II Fund,
       132,546 and 124,387 units, respectively         3,309         3,712

     United Technologies Stock Fund,
       86,272 units                                    3,682             -

     Sundstrand Stock Fund,
       292,901 units                                       -         8,939

   During  1999,  the  Plan's  investments   (including  gains  and  losses   on
   investments bought and sold, as well as held during the year) appreciated  in
   value by approximately  $5,704,000.  Mutual  Fund investments appreciated  by
   $2,379,000 and  the  UTC  Stock Fund  appreciated  by  $3,325,000,  including
   realized gain of $2,371,000 from the conversion of the Sundstrand Stock  Fund
   to the UTC Stock Fund.

4. Related-Party Transactions

   Certain Plan  investment  options are  managed  by Vanguard  Fiduciary  Trust
   Company.  Vanguard is the Plan's trustee and recordkeeper, as defined by  the
   Plan  and,  therefore,  these   transactions  qualify  as   party-in-interest


5. Plan Termination

   Although it  has  not expressed  any  intent to  do  so, UTC,  subject  to  a
   collective bargaining agreement, has  the right under  the Plan to  terminate
   the Plan  subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  Employee  Retirement  Income
   Security  Act  of  1974  (ERISA).     In  the  event  of  Plan   termination,
   participants will become fully vested in their account balances.

6. Tax Status

   The Internal Revenue Service has determined  on March 8, 1996, that the  Plan
   is designed in accordance  with applicable sections  of the Internal  Revenue
   Code ("IRC").  The  Plan has been amended  since receiving the  determination
   letter.  However, the Plan administration and legal counsel believe that  the
   Plan is  designed and  is currently  being operated  in compliance  with  the
   applicable requirements of the IRC.

                            Supplemental Schedule

                  Sundstrand Corporation Rockford Factory
                            Employee Savings Plan
                    Assets Held for Investment Purposes
                              December 31, 1999

<S>       <C>                           <C>                             <C>
                                         Description of investment,
                   (b)                    including maturity date,
            Identity of issue,                rate of interest,              (d)
            borrower lessor or               collateral, par or            Current
(a)           similar party                    maturity value               Value

*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Treasury Money Market Fund      $8,810,071
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       S&P 500 Index Fund               7,671,609
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       U.S. Growth Fund                 5,700,942
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       United Technologies Stock
                                           Fund                           3,682,081
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Windsor II Fund                  3,309,673
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Growth Index Fund                2,684,597
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Prime Money Market Fund          1,315,358
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       International Growth Fund        1,230,912
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Life Strategy Moderate
                                           Growth Fund                      965,011
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Life Strategy Growth Fund          746,770
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Extended Market Index Fund         644,812
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Growth and Income Fund             610,177
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       STAR Fund                          560,391
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Wellesley Income Fund              496,868
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Explorer Fund                      466,399
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Pacific Stock Index Fund           455,263
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Long-Term Treasury Fund            402,397
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Total Stock Market Index
                                           Fund                             331,342
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Emerging Markets Index
                                            Fund                            311,199
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Balanced Index Fund                268,586
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Life Strategy Conservative
                                           Growth Fund                      268,308
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Total Bond Market Index
                                           Fund                             191,258
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Short-Term Treasury Fund           103,813
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       European Stock Index Fund           79,362
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Life Strategy Income Fund           13,796
*    Vanguard Group of Investments       Intermediate-Term
                                           Corporate Fund                    12,152
     Plan Participants                   Participant Loans Receivable     2,460,779

*  Indicates an identified person known to be a party-in-interest to the Plan




   The Plan  (or  other  persons who  administer  the  employee  benefit  plan),
   pursuant to  the requirements of  the Securities  Exchange Act  of 1934,  has
   duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the  undersigned
   hereunto duly authorized.

                          FACTORY EMPLOYEE SAVINGS PLAN

Dated:  June 28, 2000     By: /s/ Michael C. Sankner
                          Michael C. Sankner
                          Manager, Actuarial Administrator
                          United Technologies Corporation

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