6-K, 2000-08-31
Previous: UMB SCOUT FUNDS, NSAR-BT, EX-27, 2000-08-31


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                                   F O R M 6-K

                      Pursuant to Section 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           For the month of August 2000

                                 RADVISION LTD.
                              (Name of Registrant)

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                                 RADVISION LTD.

6-K Items

1.   RADVision  Ltd.  Press  Release  dated  August 30, 2000 re  PictureTel  and
     RADVision  Extend  Strategic  Alliance  to Deliver  Top  Quality  V2oIP(TM)
     Conferencing Solutions.


                                                                          ITEM 1


For Immediate Release:


Karen Gurwitz                 David Seligman              Betsy Parkins
Dir. Corporate Communications CFO                         O'Keeffe & Company
RADVision, Inc.               RADVision, Ltd.             Tel: 610.325.2099
Tel: 201.529.4300, x305       Tel: 972.645.5446           [email protected]
[email protected]        [email protected]  www.okeeffeco.com
www.radvision.com             www.radvision.com           www.picturetel.com

    PictureTel and RADVision Extend Strategic Alliance to Deliver Top Quality
                        V2oIP(TM) Conferencing Solutions

Andover,  M.A./Mahwah,  N.J., August 30, 2000 -- PictureTel Corporation (NASDAQ:
PCTL),   the  world  leader  in  visual   collaboration,   and  RADVision   Inc.
(NASDAQ:RVSN), the leading provider of award-winning, industry-standard products
and  technology  for  real-time  voice and video  communication  over IP,  today
announced the amendment of their long-term OEM relationship. Under the alliance,
PictureTel will offer RADVision V2oIP network enterprise products as part of its
market-leading multimedia collaboration systems.

     Based  on this  alliance,  the  companies  will  expand  the  existing  OEM
relationship  to  include   RADVision's  L2W-323  Gateway  and  NGK  Gatekeeper.
PictureTel  currently private labels RADVision's VIU-323 Video Interface Unit as
the PictureTel  210 for  connecting  ISDN  conferencing  systems  directly to IP
networks.   By  deploying   RADVision's  gateway  and  gatekeeper   application,
PictureTel   will  enhance  its  customers'   ability  to  conduct   interactive
conferences  over packet  networks,  including  the Internet and other  IP-based
next-generation networks.

     "In light of the leadership  positions  that both  PictureTel and RADVision
hold in their respective  markets,  it is only natural that we combine forces to
lead the market in accelerating  commercial  deployment of real-time  multimedia
collaboration solutions over packet-based networks," said Dan Acquafredda,  vice
president, hardware sales, eastern region, RADVision.

     "Our  relationship with RADVision is consistent with our strategic focus of
developing  the  market's  finest  visual  collaboration  clients,"  said Connie
Pawelczak,  senior  product  manager,  PictureTel.  "Maintaining  and  enhancing
leadership requires that we continue to leverage our relationships with best-of-
breed providers of network infrastructure products."

RADVision's  L2W-323  Gateway  is  an  industry-leading,   fully  self-contained
standalone  gateway  that  translates  between  H.323 and H.320  protocols,  and
converts  multimedia  information  from circuit switch to H.323 IP packets.  The
Gateway  supports up to eight  concurrent  voice calls, or four concurrent video
calls, between users on different networks.  Users of an L2W-323-enabled network
also  benefit  from full  end-to-end  support for T.120  sessions,  provided all
terminals support the standard in their collaborative applications.

                                    - more -


About PictureTel

     PictureTel  Corporation  (Nasdaq:  PCTL) is the world leader in developing,
manufacturing, and marketing a full range of visual- and audio-collaboration and
streaming-video  solutions.  The company's systems meet customers' collaboration
needs  from the  desktop  to the  boardroom.  PictureTel  also  markets  network
conferencing servers and a comprehensive portfolio of enterprise-wide  services.
Additional PictureTel information is available at www.picturetel.com. PictureTel
collaboration products and services eliminate the barrier of distance,  enabling
people to be Anywhere Now(TM).

About RADVision

     RADVision  is a leading  provider of products  and  technology  that enable
real-time voice, video and data communications  over packet networks,  including
the  Internet  and  other  networks  based  on  the  Internet  Protocol  or  IP.
RADVision's  products and technology are used by RADVision  customers to develop
systems that enable  enterprises  and service  providers to use next  generation
packet networks for real-time IP communications.  RADVision is actively involved
in the development of the industry  standards that are driving the emergence and
growth of the use of packet networks for real-time  communications,  and was the
first-to-market  with  enabling  technology  and the  products  required for the
transmission  of  real-time  voice,  video and data over packet  networks.  As a
result,  RADVision  is well  positioned  to lead the market  with  products  and
technology that enable  enterprises and service providers to migrate their voice
and video communications from traditional  telephone networks to next generation
packet networks.  The company's products and technology include  standards-based
gateways,  conferencing  bridges,  gatekeepers and software  toolkits.  For more
information, please visit our website at: www.radvision.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
and uncertainties.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from these  forward-looking  statements include, but are not limited to, general
business conditions in the industry,  changes in demand for products, the timing
and amount or  cancellation of orders and other risks detailed from time to time
in RADVision's  filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including
RADVision's Form F-1 registration statement.

PictureTel is a registered  trademark and eVideo and Anywhere Now are trademarks
of PictureTel Corporation.

V2oIP is a registered trademark of RADVision, Ltd.

                            All Trademarks Recognized



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  RADVISION LTD.

                                                   By   /s/David Seligman

                                                       David Seligman
                                                       Chief Financial Officer

Dated: August 31, 2000

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