6-K, 2000-10-23
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Next: RADVISION LTD, 6-K, 2000-10-23


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                                   F O R M 6-K

                      Pursuant to Section 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           For the month of October 2000

                                 RADVISION LTD.
                              (Name of Registrant)

                 24 Raoul Wallenberg St., Tel Aviv 69719 Israel
                     (Address of Principal Executive Office)

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                                 RADVISION LTD.

6-K Items

1.   RADVision  Ltd.  Press Release  dated October 17, 2000 re VirtuaLINC  Teams
     with RADVision for Enhanced IP Video Services and Expanded Internet Product


                                                                          ITEM 1


For Immediate Release


Karen Gurwitz                       David Seligman
Dir. Corp. Communications           CFO
RADVision, Inc.                     RADVision, Ltd.
Tel: 201.529.4300, x305             Tel: +972.3.645.5446
[email protected]              [email protected]
www.radvision.com                   www.radvision.com

                                    Jody Burfening
Bill Lewis                          Sanjay Hurry
Director of Marketing               Investor Relations
VirtuaLINC                          LHA
Tel: 972.450.9254                   Tel: 212.838.3777
[email protected]                [email protected]
www.v2pn.com                        www.lhai.com

                  VirtuaLINC Teams with RADVision for Enhanced
            IP Video Services and Expanded Internet Product Offerings

Mahwah, NJ/Dallas, TX, October 17, 2000 -- RADVision (NASDAQ:RVSN),  the leading
provider  of  award-winning,   industry-standard  products  and  technology  for
real-time  voice  and  video  communication  over  IP,  and  VirtuaLINC,  a high
bandwidth  Internet company  providing  high-speed  Internet  services and video
communications  products  to major  hotel  chains  and  corporate  users,  today
announced that  VirtuaLINC  would be integrating  RADVision's  H.323  Gatekeeper
technology into their  next-generation  resource  management system solution for
IP-based videoconferencing services.

VirtuaLINC's  total solution  provides  hotels and corporate users with IP-based
videoconferencing communications, thereby reducing their costs and allowing them
to provide  superior  technologies in real-time video  communications  for their
users.  VirtuaLINC will use RADVision's Gatekeeper Toolkit to build a customized
gatekeeper  application  tailored  to the  needs  of their  resource  management
system. The Gatekeeper Toolkit provides enhanced functionality for multiple zone
support,  multiple gateway operation,  resource usage control, and PBX-like call

"Incorporating  RADVision's  gatekeeper  technology  will  allow  VirtuaLINC  to
increase capacity and extend H.323  functionality,"  said John DeMore',  CTO for
VirtuaLINC.  "After an extensive analysis of the available suppliers, we believe
that RADVision's proven technology building blocks will improve the features and
reliability of our resource  management  system."

"RADVision  is committed to the  widespread  deployment  of real-time  voice and
video  communications  on  next-generation  networks around the globe," said Dr.
Michelle Blank, RADVision's VP of Galactic Marketing. "With VirtuaLINC's quality
IP video  communications  network  and  RADVision's  market-leading  technology,
consumers can benefit from simple, cost-effective, reliable video communications
at their fingertips, wherever they may be."

The heart of the  VirtuaLINC  network  is the  Video  Network  Operating  Center
(VNOC).  LINCenter  2.0 is the software  application  behind the VNOC,  and this
software  controls  every  aspect  of data  and  video  transmission  including:
gateways, voice over IP, collaboration management, multipoint conferencing, real
time  transcoding,  web  broadcasting,  billing,  reservations,  network traffic
analysis and security and authentication.



Within the LINCenter, the VNOC manages the company's global high-bandwidth video
and data  network  and  guarantees  the  quality of service  necessary  for high
quality,  digital  video data  streams.  Calls  using the  VirtuaLINC  broadband
network  (V2PN) pass through the LINCenter and are connected to other end points
on the V2PN Network,  or can be connected to any ISDN-based  video system in the

RADVision's  Gatekeeper  Toolkit  is used by  developers  to  create  customized
gatekeeper applications for managing and controlling H.323 networks. The toolkit
delivers full H.323-compliant call control and registration  functionality,  and
supports all mandatory ITU H.323 gatekeeper  functions.  RADVision's  Gatekeeper
Toolkit  provides the  underpinning  H.323  technology  needed for  implementing
"soft-switch" PBX functionality and the vehicle for delivering compelling new IP
services and  applications.  The toolkit is part of  RADVision's  broad suite of
V2oIP software enabling  technology that includes SIP,  Megaco/H.248,  MGCP, and
H.323 toolkits.

About VirtuaLINC

VirtuaLINC    Corporation    (www.virtualinc.com)   a   Dallas-based   broadband
communications   services  company  specializing  in  IP-based  video  services,
high-speed  Internet and data services for hotels and corporations.  The company
has developed the world's first  publicly  accessible,  IP video  communications
network,  the V2PN(TM) (Virtual Video Private Network) and is a leading provider
of video communications  products and high speed internet access for hotel guest
rooms and meeting rooms.  Currently,  VirtuaLINC has signed  contracts with more
than 500 hotels in the United States and Canada.

About RADVision

RADVision is a leading provider of products and technology that enable real-time
voice,  video,  and data  communications  over packet  networks,  including  the
Internet and other  networks based on the Internet  protocol or IP.  RADVision's
products and technology are used by RADVision  customers to develop systems that
enable  enterprises and service providers to use next generation packet networks
for  real-time  IP  communications.   RADVision  is  actively  involved  in  the
development of the industry  standards that are driving the emergence and growth
of the  use of  packet  networks  for  real-time  communications,  and  was  the
first-to-market  with  enabling  technology  and the  products  required for the
transmission  of  real-time  voice,  video and data over packet  networks.  As a
result,  RADVision  is well  positioned  to lead the market  with  products  and
technology that enable  enterprises and service providers to migrate their voice
and video communications from traditional  telephone networks to next generation
packet networks.  The company's products and technology include  standards-based
gateways,  conferencing  bridges,  gatekeepers and software  toolkits.  For more
information, please visit our website at: www.radvision.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
and uncertainties.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from these  forward-looking  statements include, but are not limited to, general
business conditions in the industry,  changes in demand for products, the timing
and amount or  cancellation of orders and other risks detailed from time to time
in RADVision's  filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including
RADVision's Form F-1 registration statement.

                            All trademarks recognized



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  RADVISION LTD.

                                                   By   /s/David Seligman

                                                       David Seligman
                                                       Chief Financial Officer

Dated: October 23, 2000

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