6-K, 2000-05-03
Previous: UMB SCOUT FUNDS, 497J, 2000-05-03


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   F O R M 6-K

                      Pursuant to Section 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           For the month of May 2000

                                 RADVISION LTD.
                              (Name of Registrant)

                 24 Raoul Wallenberg St., Tel Aviv 69719 Israel
                     (Address of Principal Executive Office)

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  files or will file annual
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     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information
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                                 RADVISION LTD.

6-K Items

1.   RADVision  Ltd.  Press Release dated May 1, 2000  Announcing  First Quarter
     2000 Results.

2.   RADVision Ltd. Press Release dated May 1, 2000  Appointing  Chief Operating


                                                                          ITEM 1




Contact:      David Seligman
              RADVision, Ltd.
              Tel: 972.3.645.5446
              [email protected]

              Karen Gurwitz
              Dir. Corporate Communications
              RADVision, Inc.
              Tel: 201.529.4300, x305
              [email protected]


                  Record High Revenue Driven by Pent Up Demand
                 for Real-time Voice and Video Over IP Solutions

Tel Aviv,  Israel,  May 1, 2000 -- RADVision Ltd.  (NASDAQ:  RVSN),  the leading
provider  of  award-winning,   industry-standard  products  and  technology  for
real-time voice and video communication over IP, today announced results for the
first quarter ended March 31, 2000.  Revenues totaled $7.8 million compared with
$3.4  million  reported  in the first  quarter  of 1999 and $5.6  million in the
fourth  quarter of 1999, an increase of $4.4 million or 129% and $2.2 million or
39%  respectively.  Net loss for the quarter was  $521,000,  a loss of $0.04 per
share,  compared  with a net loss of  $65,000  or $0.00  per share for the first
quarter of 1999 and a net loss of  $1,779,000  or $0.13 per share for the fourth
quarter of 1999.

Ami Amir,  RADVision's  CEO said,  "Results  for our first  quarter  as a public
company were very good, and exceeded our expectations  across our entire product
line.  Now that our  significant  partners  like  Cisco  and  Polycom  offer our
products as part of their total solutions,  we are seeing an extremely high rate
of adoption of our IP based networking products. We believe that the significant
increase in business  is driven by  enterprises  beginning  to  implement  their
strategic  plans to integrate  real time IP based voice and video  communication
capabilities into their networking infrastructure."

                                    - more -


About RADVision

RADVision is a leading provider of products and technology that enable real-time
voice,  video  and data  communications  over  packet  networks,  including  the
Internet and other  networks based on the Internet  protocol or IP.  RADVision's
products and technology are used by RADVision  customers to develop systems that
enable  enterprises and service providers to use next generation packet networks
for  real-time  IP  communications.   RADVision  is  actively  involved  in  the
development of the industry  standards that are driving the emergence and growth
of the  use of  packet  networks  for  real-time  communications,  and  was  the
first-to-market  with  enabling  technology  and the  products  required for the
transmission  of  real-time  voice,  video and data over packet  networks.  As a
result,  RADVision  is well  positioned  to lead the market  with  products  and
technology that enable  enterprises and service providers to migrate their voice
and video communications from traditional  telephone networks to next generation
packet networks.  The company's products and technology include  standards-based
gateways,  conferencing  bridges,  gatekeepers and software  toolkits.  For more
information, please visit our website at: www.radvision.com

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
and uncertainties.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from these  forward-looking  statements include, but are not limited to, general
business conditions in the industry,  changes in demand for products, the timing
and amount or  cancellation of orders and other risks detailed from time to time
in RADVISION's  filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including

                            All trademarks recognized

                             -- Tables to Follow --


                                 RADVision LTD.
                        Consolidated Statement of Income
                           (U.S. Dollars in thousands)

                                                   Three Months Ended March 31
                                                       2000             1999
                                                       ----             ----

Sales                                                  7,827           $3,393
Cost of Sales                                          1,944              454
                                              ---------------   --------------
Gross Profit                                           5,883            2,939

Research and Development, Net                          2,294            1,200
Marketing and Selling, Net                             3,610            1,661
General and Administration                               615              240
                                              ---------------   --------------

Operating Income (Loss)                                 (636)            (162)

Financial Income (net)                                   115               97

Net Income/(Loss)                                     $ (521)           $ (65)
                                              ---------------   --------------

Earnings per Share (U.S. Dollars)                     ($0.04)           $0.00

Weighted Average Number of Shares                 14,626,504       13,485,221
Outstanding During the Period

                                              ===============   ==============

                                   -- more --


                                 RADVision LTD.
                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                           (U.S. Dollars in thousands)

                                              March 31              December 31
                                                 2000                  1999
                                            (Unaudited)              (Audited)
Cash and Short Term Deposit                    $ 85,245                $  2,605
Receivable - Trade                                3,700                   3,214
Receivable - Other                                1,620                   1,517
Inventory                                         4,070                   2,433
                                         --------------        ----------------
Current Assets                                   94,635                   9,769

Long Term Investments                             7,097                     ---
                                         --------------        ----------------

Severance Pay Fund                                  554                     470
                                         --------------        ----------------

Cost                                              4,911                   4,400
Less Accumulated Depreciation                     1,623                   1,379
                                         --------------        ----------------
                                                  3,288                   3,021

Total Assets                                    105,574                $ 13,260
                                         --------------        ----------------

                                         ==============        ================

Liabilities and Equity
Short Term Debt                                   $  63                 $    64
Payable - Trade                                   2,432                   2,558
Other Payables & Accrued Expenses                 9,848                   6,333
                                         --------------        ----------------
Current Liabilities                              12,343                   8,955

Accrued Severance Pay                               900                     757
                                         --------------        ----------------

Bank Loans                                           52                      67
                                         --------------        ----------------

Shareholder's Equity
Share Capital                                       147                      21
Capital Surplus                                 103,047                  13,789
Deferred compensation                            (1,117)                 (1,052)
Accumulated deficit                              (9,798)                 (9,277)
                                         --------------        ----------------
                                                 92,279                   3,481

Total Liabilities                               105,574                $ 13,260
                                         --------------        ----------------

                                         ==============        ================

                                      # # #


                                                                          ITEM 2



For Immediate Release

Contact:  Karen Gurwitz                            David Seligman
          Dir. Corporate Communications            CFO
          RADVision, Inc.                          RADVision, Ltd.
          Tel: 201.529.4300, x305                  Tel: 972.3.645.5446
          [email protected]                   [email protected]
          http://www.radvision.com                 http://www.radvision.com

     RADVision Appoints Chief Operating Officer to Manage Accelerated Growth

Tel Aviv,  Israel,  May 1, 2000 -- RADVision Ltd.  (NASDAQ:  RVSN),  the leading
provider  of  award-winning,   industry-standard  products  and  technology  for
real-time voice and video  communication  over IP, today announced the promotion
of Shykeh Gordon to Chief Operating  Officer.  Mr. Gordon, who will be reporting
to Ami Amir, RADVision's Chief Executive Officer, will be responsible for Sales,
R&D,  Customer Support and Production.  Mr. Amir will continue to be responsible
for the more strategic and long-term functions.

Ami Amir said,  "RADVision has grown tremendously over the past two years and we
are now seeing this growth  accelerate.  The new  organizational  structure will
enable us to better manage this growth, and in parallel,  to continue to develop
strategies  and  establish  additional  key  relationships  with other  industry
leaders.  Shykeh brings excellent  managerial and operational skills to this new
position plus intimate knowledge of all aspects of our business."

Shykeh  Gordon  joined   RADVision  in  1995  as  President  of  RADVision's  US
subsidiary. Since May 1999, he has served as Vice President of Global Sales. Mr.
Gordon has been an essential part of RADVision' success in doubling sales in the
last three consecutive years.

About RADVision

RADVision is a leading provider of products and technology that enable real-time
voice,  video  and data  communications  over  packet  networks,  including  the
Internet and other  networks based on the Internet  Protocol or IP.  RADVision's
products and technology are used by RADVision  customers to develop systems that
enable  enterprises and service providers to use next generation packet networks
for  real-time  IP  communications.   RADVision  is  actively  involved  in  the
development of the industry  standards that are driving the emergence and growth
of the  use of  packet  networks  for  real-time  communications,  and  was  the
first-to-market  with  enabling  technology  and the  products  required for the
transmission  of  real-time  voice,  video and data over packet  networks.  As a
result,  RADVision  is well  positioned  to lead the market  with  products  and
technology that enable  enterprises and service providers to migrate their voice
and video communications from traditional  telephone networks to next generation
packet networks.  The company's products and technology include  standards-based
gateways,  conferencing  bridges,  gatekeepers and software  toolkits.  For more
information, please visit our website at: www.radvision.com

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
and uncertainties.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from these  forward-looking  statements include, but are not limited to, general
business conditions in the industry,  changes in demand for products, the timing
and amount or  cancellation of orders and other risks detailed from time to time
in RADVision's  filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including
RADVision's Form F-1 registration statement.

                            All trademarks recognized



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  RADVISION LTD.

                                                   By   /s/David Seligman

                                                      David Seligman
                                                      Chief Financial Officer

Dated: May 3, 2000

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