6-K, 2000-09-15
Previous: OMNISKY CORP, S-1/A, EX-23.1, 2000-09-15


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   F O R M 6-K

                      Pursuant to Section 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           For the month of September 2000

                                 RADVISION LTD.
                              (Name of Registrant)

                 24 Raoul Wallenberg St., Tel Aviv 69719 Israel
                     (Address of Principal Executive Office)

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  files or will file annual
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                                 RADVISION LTD.

6-K Items

1.   RADVision Ltd. Press Release dated  September 13, 2000 re  Announcement  of
     Version 3.0 of its Award-Winning H.323 Enabling Software With ITU-T Version
     3 Functionality.

2.   RADVision  Ltd.  Press  Release  dated  September  13,  2000  re  RADVision
     Announces  Development of MEGACO/H.248 Enabling Software as Newest Addition
     to V2oIP(TM)Protocol Toolkit Family.


                                                                          ITEM 1


For Immediate Release

Contact:  Karen Gurwitz                           David Seligman
          Dir. Corporate Communications           CFO
          RADVision, Inc.                         RADVision, Ltd.
          Tel: 201.529.4300, x305                 Tel: 972.3.645.5446
          [email protected]                  [email protected]

             RADVision, the V2oIP(TM) Experts, Announces Version 3.0
                  of its Award-Winning H.323 Enabling Software
                       With ITU-T Version 3 Functionality


Mahwah, NJ, September 13, 2000 -- RADVision (NASDAQ:RVSN),  the leading provider
of award-winning,  industry-standard products and technology for real-time voice
and  video   communication   over  IP,  today  announced   Version  3.0  of  its
award-winning  H.323  Protocol  Toolkit,  enhanced  to support  ITU-T  Version 3
functionality.   RADVision's   market-leading   H.323  is  a  highly   efficient
implementation  that provides the most comprehensive ITU feature set and highest
performance  in a small  memory  footprint,  with  exceptional  flexibility  for
implementation  across a broad range of IP-centric products,  applications,  and

"H.323 is the most widely  deployed  IP  communications  protocol  for voice and
video over IP," said Ami Amir, RADVision's CEO. "Today, hundreds of thousands of
end-users  around the world are  communicating  over  next-generation  networks,
using  IP-centric  products  and  solutions  built  around  our  embedded  H.323
software.  That number  continues to grow everyday.  As the market leader in the
development of enabling  technology for real-time IP  communications,  RADVision
will  continue to offer  superior  embedded  software by  enhancing  established
protocols such as H.323, and introducing innovative  implementations of emerging
protocols such as SIP and H.248/ MEGACO."

RADVision's  Premiere  H.323  Protocol  Toolkit  includes a package of  software
modules that performs all the  functions  needed to establish  real-time  voice,
video,  and data  communications  over IP networks and is part of the  RADVision
V2oIP(TM) multiple family of IP communications  protocols.  Version 3.0 contains
new advanced functionality including Annex D for fax capability, Annex E for UDP
call-based  signaling,  and  Annex G for  communication  between  administrative
domains.   Additionally,   RADVision  has  implemented  H.341  MIB  support  for
multimedia  device  management  as well as full  support of H.450  Supplementary

RADVision's  multi-protocol  V2oIP family of enabling  technology  for real-time
voice and video  communication  over IP technology allows OEMs and developers to
rapidly bring to market interoperable  standards compliant products and services
for  next-generation  converged  networks.  The company's  impressive list of IP
telephony toolkit licensees includes industry giants and innovative startups who
have implemented  RADVision's  embedded H.323 technology in chip sets, hand-held
and desktop  endpoints,  and high-end network  infrastructure  devices including
gateways  and  switches,  gatekeepers,  softswitches,  and IP  service  creation



Designed to be platform independent,  RADVision's H.323 Protocol Toolkit will be
available for a variety of operating systems including pSOS,  VxWorks (Tornado),
Windows 98/NT/2000, Solaris Sparc, Alpha, and Linux.

About RADVision

RADVision is a leading provider of products and technology that enable real-time
voice;  video  and data  communications  over  packet  networks,  including  the
Internet and other  networks based on the Internet  protocol or IP.  RADVision's
products and technology are used by RADVision  customers to develop systems that
enable  enterprises and service providers to use next generation packet networks
for  real-time  IP  communications.   RADVision  is  actively  involved  in  the
development of the industry  standards that are driving the emergence and growth
of the  use of  packet  networks  for  real-time  communications,  and  was  the
first-to-market  with  enabling  technology  and the  products  required for the
transmission  of  real-time  voice,  video and data over packet  networks.  As a
result,  RADVision  is well  positioned  to lead the market  with  products  and
technology that enable  enterprises and service providers to migrate their voice
and video communications from traditional  telephone networks to next generation
packet networks.  The company's products and technology include  standards-based
gateways,  conferencing  bridges,  gatekeepers and software  toolkits.  For more
information, please visit our website at: www.radvision.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
and uncertainties.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from these  forward-looking  statements include, but are not limited to, general
business conditions in the industry,  changes in demand for products, the timing
and amount or  cancellation of orders and other risks detailed from time to time
in RADVision's  filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including
RADVision's Form F-1 registration statement.

                            All trademarks recognized


                                                                          ITEM 2


For Immediate Release

                                                             Jody Burfening
 Karen Gurwitz                   David Seligman              Sanjay Hurry
 Dir. Corporate Communications   CFO                         Investor Relations
 RADVision, Inc.                 RADVision, Ltd.             LHA
 Tel: 201.529.4300, x305         Tel: 972.3.645.5446         Tel: 212.838.3777
 [email protected]          [email protected]  [email protected]
 www.radvision.com               www.radvision.com           www.lhai.com

        RADVision Announces Development of MEGACO/H.248 Enabling Software
             as Newest Addition to V2oIP(TM)Protocol Toolkit Family


Mahwah, New Jersey, September 13, 2000 -- RADVision  (NASDAQ:RVSN),  the leading
provider  of  award-winning,   industry-standard  products  and  technology  for
real-time  voice and video  communication  over IP, today  announced  that it is
adding  H.248/MEGACO  (Media Gateway Control  Protocol/H.248)  technology to the
company's  expanding suite of  industry-standard  V2oIP(TM) enabling  technology
which includes SIP (Session  Initiation  Protocol),  MGCP (Media Gateway Control
Protocol) and H.323.

MEGACO/H.248 is the official industry standard protocol for interfacing  between
external call agents called Media Gateway  Controllers (MGCs) and Media Gateways
(MGs). The standard is the result of a unique  collaborative  effort between the
IETF and ITU standards  organizations.  Derived from MGCP,  MEGACO/H.248  offers
several key  enhancements  including  support for  multimedia  and  conferencing
calls, improved semantic message processing,  text and binary encoding,  TCP and
UDP transport options and a formalized extension process.

"MEGAGO/H.248  is a key  unpinning  technology  that has  evolved to address the
needs of  large-scale,  global,  IP-centric  carrier  networks,"  said Ami Amir,
RADVision's  CEO. "As a driving force behind the evolution of IP  communications
protocols,  RADVision is in a unique position to assure our customers  continued
innovations  to keep them at the  forefront  of the latest  enabling  technology

At  the  recent   MEGACO/H.248   interop  event  in  New  Hampshire,   RADVision
successfully tested its MEGACO technology with several vendors.  RADVision has a
long-standing  reputation as the champion for interoperability.  Since 1996, the
company  has been a regular  participant  at interop  events  hosted by industry
consortia bodies such as the IMTC, PacketCable and Softswitch.  The MEGACO/H.248
event  was  sponsored  by  the  Multiservice  Switching  Forum,  the  SoftSwitch
Consortium,  and the University of New Hampshire  Interoperability  Lab, and ran
from August 28 through 31.

Like MGCP, MEGACO is an internal protocol for decomposed  gateway  architectures
and is a  complementary  protocol  to  both  H.323  and  SIP.  MEGACO  separates
signaling,  call control,  and media handling into distinct,  logical  entities.
MEGACO-compliant  products and services  include two  sub-components,  the Media
Gateway and Media  Gateway  Controller  which appear to outside as a single VoIP
gateway.  RADVision's MGCP toolkits were designed to allow for easy migration to



About RADVision

RADVision is a leading provider of products and technology that enable real-time
voice,  video  and data  communications  over  packet  networks,  including  the
Internet and other  networks based on the Internet  protocol or IP.  RADVision's
products and technology are used by RADVision  customers to develop systems that
enable  enterprises and service providers to use next generation packet networks
for  real-time  IP  communications.   RADVision  is  actively  involved  in  the
development of the industry  standards that are driving the emergence and growth
of the  use of  packet  networks  for  real-time  communications,  and  was  the
first-to-market  with  enabling  technology  and the  products  required for the
transmission  of  real-time  voice,  video and data over packet  networks.  As a
result,  RADVision  is well  positioned  to lead the market  with  products  and
technology that enable  enterprises and service providers to migrate their voice
and video communications from traditional  telephone networks to next generation
packet networks.  The company's products and technology include  standards-based
gateways,  conferencing  bridges,  gatekeepers and software  toolkits.  For more
information, please visit our website at: www.radvision.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
and uncertainties.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from these  forward-looking  statements include, but are not limited to, general
business conditions in the industry,  changes in demand for products, the timing
and amount or  cancellation of orders and other risks detailed from time to time
in RADVision's  filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including
RADVision's Form F-1 registration statement.

                            All trademarks recognized



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  RADVISION LTD.

                                                   By   /s/David Seligman

                                                       David Seligman
                                                       Chief Financial Officer

Dated: September 15, 2000

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