- ---------------- U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION ----------------------------
|F O R M 5| Washington, D.C. 20549 | OMB APPROVAL |
- ---------------- |--------------------------|
[ ] no longer Subject |Expires: September 30,1998|
to Section 16. |Estimated ave. burden |
|hours per response.....1.0|
[ ] Form 3 Holdings Rep. Filed pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, ----------------------------
Section 17(a) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 or
[ ] Form 4 Trans. Rep. Section 30(f) of the Investment Company Act 1940
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|1.Name and Address of Reporting Person* |2.Issuer Name and Ticker or Trading Symbol |6.Relationship of Reporting Person to |
| | | Issuer (Check all Applicable) |
|Bagwell K. Bryan |DOLLAR TREE STORES, INC. | |
| | (DLTR) | |
| | | Director 10% Owner |
|----------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|--- --- |
| (Last) (First) (MI)|3.IRS or Soc. Sec. No. |4.Statement for Month/ | X Officer Other |
| | of Reporting Person | Year |---(give title below) ---(Specify below)|
| 500 VOLVO PARKWAY | (Voluntary) | | |
| | | 12/31/1998 | Sr. Vice President |
| | | | Merchandise |
|----------------------------------------| |------------------------|----------------------------------------|
| (Street) | |5.If Amendment, Date of |7. Individual or Joint/Group Filing |
| | ###-##-#### | Original (Month/Year) | (Check Applicable Line) |
| | | | |
|CHESAPEAKE VA 23320 | | | X Form filed by One Reporting Person |
| | | |--- |
| | | | Form filed by More than One |
| | | |--- Reporting Person |
| (City) (State) (Zip) |
| TABLE I - Non-Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of or Beneficially Owned |
|1.Title of Security |2.Transac- |3.Trans. |4.Security Acquired (A) or |5.Amount of |6. |7.Nature of Indirect|
| (Instr. 3) | tion Date | Code | Disposed of (D) | Securities |Own.| Beneficial |
| |(Mon/Day/Yr)|(Instr.8)| (Instr. 3, 4 & 5) | Beneficially |Form| Ownership |
| | | | | Owned at End of|(D) | (Instr. 4) |
| | | |-------------------------------| Issuer's |or | |
| | | | |(A) | | Fiscal Year |(I) | |
| | | | Amount |(D) | Price | (Instr. 3 & 4) | | |
|<S> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |
|Common Stock | 01/02/1998 | B | 127 | A | $23.4500| | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
|Common Stock | 04/01/1998 | B | 411 | A | $29.6800| | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
|Common Stock | 07/01/1998 | B | 139 | A | $29.6800| | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
|Common Stock | 10/01/1998 | B | 139 | A | $26.6200| 2289 | D | |
| | | | | | | (01)| | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reminder: Report on a separate line for each class securities owned directly or indirectly. SEC 2270 (7-96)
*If the form is filed by more than one reporting person, see Instruction 4(b)(v).
PAGE: 1 OF 3
FORM 5 (continued) TABLE II - Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, Beneficially Owned
(e.g., puts, calls, warrants, options, convertible security)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|1.Title of|2.Conver-|3. |4.Tran- |5.Number of |6.Date |7.Title and Amount |8.Price of|9.Number |10. |11.Nature |
|Derivative|sion or |Trans| saction| Derivative |Exercisable| of Underlying |Derivative| of |Own.| of |
|Security |Exercise |Date | Code | Securities |and | Securities |Security |Derivative|Form|Indirect |
|(Instr. 3)|Price of |(Mon/|(Instr.8)| Acquired (A) or |Expiration | (Instr. 3 & 4) |(Instr. 5)|Securities|of |Beneficial|
| |Deriva- | Day/| | Disposed of (D) |Date | | |Benefi- |Deri|Ownership |
| |tive |Year)| | (Instr. 3, 4 & 5) |(Month/Day/| | |cially |Sec.|(Instr. 4)|
| |Security | | | | Year) | | |Owned at |Dir.| |
| | | | | |-----------|---------------------| |End of |(D) | |
| | | | | | | | |Amount or | |Year |or | |
| | | | |---------------------|Date |Exp. | Title |Number of | |(Instr. 4)|Ind.| |
| | | | | (A) | (D) |Exbl.|Date | |Shares | | |(I) | |
|<S> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |<C> |
|Stock Opti| $1.2889| | | | |12/16| |Common Sto| 21949| | 21949| D | |
|on | | | | | | 1993| |ck | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | (02)| | (03)| | (01)| | |
|Stock Opti| $1.2889| | | | |03/31| |Common Sto| 43005| | 43005| D | |
|on | | | | | | 1994| |ck | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | (02)| | | | | | |
|Stock Opti| $4.4445| | | | | | |Common Sto| 16875| | 16875| D | |
|on | | | | | | | |ck | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | (04)| (05)| | (03)| | | | |
|Stock Opti| $7.8889| | | | | | |Common Sto| 15187| | 15187| D | |
|on | | | | | | | |ck | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | (06)| (07)| | | | | | |
|Stock Opti| $14.7222| | | | | | |Common Sto| 13500| | 13500| D | |
|on | | | | | | | |ck | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | (08)| (09)| | | | | | |
|Stock Opti| $14.8889| | | | | | |Common Sto| 22500| | 22500| D | |
|on | | | | | | | |ck | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | (10)| (11)| | | | (01)| | |
|Stock Opti| $51.7500| | | | | | |Common Sto| 20000| | 20000| D | |
|on | | | | | | | |ck | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | (12)| (13)| | | | (01)| | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Explanation of Responses:
(01) Balance includes non-reportable purchases under the Dollar Tree Stores, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan.
(02) Options lapse upon termination of employment with certain grace periods allowed upon death, disability, or retirement.
(03) Award reported reflects a single agreement with issuer permitting optionee to purchase up to the number of underlying sh
ares indicated in column 7. Partial exercises are permitted, and there is no minimum exercise.
(04) Options vest over 3 years. Optionee may purchase up to 34% of underlying shares after 3/5/96, up to 68% of underlying s
hares after 3/5/97, and up to 100% of underlying shares after 3/5/98.
(05) Option lapses upon termination of employment (with certain grace periods) or 3/5/2005, whichever is less.
(06) Options vest over 3 years. Optionee may purchase up to 34% of underlying shares after 11/28/96, up to 68% of underlying
shares after 11/28/97, and up to 100% of underlying shares after 11/28/98.
(07) Option lapses upon termination of employment (with certain grace periods) or 11/28/2005, whichever is less.
**Intentional misstatements or omissions of facts constitute Federal /s/K. Bryan Bagwell 02/10/1999
Criminal Violations. See 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 15 U.S.C. 78ff(a). ------------------------------------------ ----------
**Signature of Reporting Person Date
Note: File three copies of this form, one of which must be manually signed.
If space provided is insufficient, see Instruction 6 for procedure. SEC 2270 (7-96)
Potential persons who are to respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not
required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMD Number
Bagwell, K. Bryan DOLLAR TREE STORES, INC. 12/31/1998 PAGE: 2 OF 3
E X P L A N A T I O N O F R E S P O N S E S (cont.) F O R M 5
<S> <C> <C>
(08) Options vest over 3 years. Optionee may purchase up to 34% of underlying shares after 4/24/97, up to 68% of underlying
shares after 4/24/98, and up to 100% of underlying shares after 4/24/99.
(09) Option lapses upon termination of employment (with certain grace periods) or 4/24/2006, whichever is less.
(10) Options vest over 3 years. Optionee may purchase up to 34% of underlying shares after 3/18/98, up to 68% of underlying
shares after 3/18/99, and up to 100% of underlying shares after 3/18/00.
(11) Option lapses upon termination of employment (with certain grace periods) or 3/18/07, whichever is less.
(12) Options vest over three years. Optionee may purchase up to 34% of underlying shares after 4/20/99, up to 68% of underlyi
ng shares after 4/20/00 and up to 100% of underlying shares after 4/20/01.
(13) Options lapse upon termination of employment (with certain grace periods) or 4/20/08, whichever is less.