11-K, 1999-06-28
Previous: NUVEEN TAX FREE UNIT TRUST SERIES 850, 497J, 1999-06-28
Next: COOPER CAMERON CORP, 11-K, 1999-06-28

<PAGE>   1
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998


                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Commission file number 1-13884

A.       Full title of the Plan and the address of the Plan, if different from
         that of the issuer named below:

                              AT THE SUPERIOR PLANT

B.       Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the Plan and the
         address of the principal executive office:

                           COOPER CAMERON CORPORATION
                       515 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1200
                              Houston, Texas 77027

<PAGE>   2

                              AT THE SUPERIOR PLANT

<S>                                                                <C>
Report of Independent Public Accountants                             1

Audited Financial Statements

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits                      2
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits            4
Notes to Financial Statements                                        5

Signature                                                           27

Consent of Independent Public Accountants                           28

<PAGE>   3
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                           DECEMBER 31, 1998 AND 1997

<PAGE>   4

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                              Financial Statements

                           December 31, 1998 and 1997


<S>                                                                         <C>
Report of Independent Public Accountants.....................................1

Audited Financial Statements

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits..............................2
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits....................4
Notes to Financial Statements................................................5

<PAGE>   5
                        [ERNST & YOUNG LLP LETTERHEAD]

                         Report of Independent Auditors

Participants and Administrator
Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
   Individual Account Retirement Plans

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
of the Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected Individual Account Retirement Plans,
listed on pages 2 and 3, at December 31, 1998 and 1997, and the related
statement of changes in net assets available for benefits for the year ended
December 31, 1998. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Plans' management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plans at
December 31, 1998 and 1997, and changes in their net assets available for
benefits for the year ended December 31, 1998, in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

                                                /s/ ERNST & YOUNG LLP

June 11, 1999

<PAGE>   6
                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                               December 31, 1998


                                                                                         EMPLOYER              EMPLOYEE
   PLAN                                                                               CONTRIBUTIONS         CONTRIBUTIONS
   NO.                                   PLAN NAME                                      RECEIVABLE            RECEIVABLE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>                                                                                    <C>              <C>
   005    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant                         $    33,626            $   43,535

   006    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility                                  53,732                42,856

   007    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility                        15,628                12,199

   008    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                                   86,164                70,738

   010    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
             Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                                    16,705                16,090


                                                                                          PLAN INTEREST IN
                                                                                            COOPER CAMERON
                                                                                          MASTER TRUST FOR
                                                                                               DEFINED               NET ASSETS
   PLAN                                                                                  CONTRIBUTION PLANS        AVAILABLE FOR
   NO.                                   PLAN NAME                                          (Notes 1 and 2)           BENEFITS
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>                                                                                    <C>              <C>
   005    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant                            $     7,459,656        $     7,536,817

   006    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility                                     16,017,669             16,114,257

   007    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility                            5,959,628              5,987,455

   008    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                                      18,611,814             18,768,716

   010    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
             Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                                        3,308,643              3,341,438

See accompanying notes.

<PAGE>   7

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

          Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits (continued)

                               December 31, 1997


                                                                                         EMPLOYER              EMPLOYEE
   PLAN                                                                               CONTRIBUTIONS         CONTRIBUTIONS
   NO.                                   PLAN NAME                                      RECEIVABLE            RECEIVABLE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>                                                                                    <C>                  <C>
   005    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant                         $    32,948          $     45,779

   006    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility                                  51,473                49,655

   007    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility                        36,442                34,298

   008    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                                  112,736               104,669

   010    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
             Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                                     9,863                21,204


                                                                                          PLAN INTEREST IN
                                                                                            COOPER CAMERON
                                                                                          MASTER TRUST FOR
                                                                                               DEFINED               NET ASSETS
   PLAN                                                                                  CONTRIBUTION PLANS        AVAILABLE FOR
   NO.                                   PLAN NAME                                          (Notes 1 and 2)           BENEFITS
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>                                                                                    <C>                        <C>
   005    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant                         $     6,466,160        $     6,544,887

   006    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility                                  15,612,125             15,713,253

   007    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility                         7,344,404              7,415,144

   008    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at the
             Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                                   16,971,920             17,189,325

   010    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
             Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                                     2,839,927              2,870,994


See accompanying notes.

<PAGE>   8

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

           Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits

                          Year ended December 31, 1998

                                                                      NET ASSETS
                                                                    AVAILABLE FOR
 PLAN                                                                BENEFITS AT              EMPLOYER            EMPLOYEE
 NO.                             PLAN NAME                          JANUARY 1, 1998         CONTRIBUTIONS       CONTRIBUTIONS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>                                                               <C>                     <C>                   <C>
   005   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Buffalo, New York Plant                               $     6,544,887          $   393,357           $   514,746

   006   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Grove City Facility                                        15,713,253             672,755                587,249

   007   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Missouri City, Texas Facility                               7,415,144             280,791                260,853

   008   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid
            Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount
            Vernon Plant                                               17,189,325           1,121,587                963,787

   010   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron
            Corporation Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior
            Plant                                                       2,870,994             221,435                205,873

                                                                                           NET INVESTMENT
                                                                                          GAIN (LOSS) FROM
                                                                                           COOPER CAMERON
                                                                                          CORPORATION MASTER
                                                                                           TRUST FOR DEFINED         OTHER
                                                                                          CONTRIBUTION PLANS       CHANGES IN
 PLAN                                                                   BENEFIT           (NET OF EXPENSES)         NET ASSETS
 NO.                             PLAN NAME                              PAYMENTS           (Notes 1 and 2)           (Note 5)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>                                                               <C>                     <C>                     <C>
   005   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Buffalo, New York Plant                               $      (125,890)         $     247,252          $   (37,535)

   006   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Grove City Facility                                        (1,601,652)               706,891               35,761

   007   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Missouri City, Texas Facility                              (1,420,123)              (538,293)             (10,917)

   008   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid
            Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount
            Vernon Plant                                                 (986,703)               526,320              (45,600)

   010   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron
            Corporation Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior
            Plant                                                        (116,494)               170,751              (11,121)


                                                                     NET ASSETS
                                                                    AVAILABLE FOR
 PLAN                                                                BENEFITS AT
 NO.                             PLAN NAME                         DECEMBER 31, 1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>                                                               <C>
   005   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Buffalo, New York Plant                               $    7,536,817

   006   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Grove City Facility                                       16,114,257

   007   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
            Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
            Missouri City, Texas Facility                              5,987,455

   008   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid
            Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount
            Vernon Plant                                              18,768,716

   010   Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron
            Corporation Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior
            Plant                                                      3,341,438

See accompanying notes.

<PAGE>   9

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                         Notes to Financial Statements

                               December 31, 1998



The accompanying financial statements of the Cooper Cameron Corporation (the
"Company") Selected Individual Account Retirement Plans (the "Plans") have been
prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Such
estimates and assumptions could change in the future as more information becomes
known, which could impact the amounts reported and disclosed herein.

Benefit payments to participants are recorded upon distribution.


At December 31, 1998 and 1997, investments of the Plans consisted of beneficial
interests in the following separate investment accounts of the Cooper Cameron
Corporation Master Trust for Defined Contribution Plans (the "Master Trust"):
Company Stock Fund, Fidelity Growth Company Fund, Fixed Income Fund, Money
Market Fund, Stock Market Fund, and Vanguard Balanced Index Fund (collectively,
the "Funds"), as described in Note 2. The Plans' beneficial interest percentages
in each investment account at December 31, 1998 and 1997 are disclosed in Note

The Funds' security transactions are accounted for on the date the securities
are purchased or sold. Investment income is recorded as earned.

The Funds' investments in securities traded on the exchanges are valued at the
last reported sale price on the valuation date. Securities not listed on
exchanges and securities for which no sale was reported on that day are valued
at the last quoted bid price or at fair value as determined by the trustee.
Investments in The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. Pooled Investment Trust for
Employee Benefit Plans II - Cash Investment Fund ("Chase Cash Investment Fund")
are stated at cost, which approximates fair value. All other mutual funds and
common/collective funds are valued at fair market value based upon the quoted
market values of the underlying assets.

<PAGE>   10

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)


Investment contracts within the Fixed Income Fund, with varying contract rates
and maturity dates, are stated at contract value. Contract value represents cost
plus accrued income reduced for any reductions in the estimated value of the
investment contract.

Although it is management's intention to hold the investment contracts in the
Fixed Income Fund until maturity, certain investment contracts provide for
adjustments to contract value for withdrawals made prior to maturity.


The Company contributes to each participant's account monthly based on hours
actively worked and specific contribution rates. This contribution is also paid
for each hour of overtime, vacation, or holiday, but excludes sick time for
which the employee may be paid. Company contributions are made to the fund
option that the employee elected. Vesting in employer contributions is on a
graduated scale with 100% at five years.

Amounts which are forfeited due to a participant's termination of employment
prior to vesting in employer contributions made on the participant's behalf are
used to reduce the required Company contribution in subsequent periods.

All Plans allow for employee contributions based on hours actively worked and
elected contribution rates. Electing to contribute is completely voluntary, and
these contributions are immediately 100% vested. Participants may elect to have
their contributions allocated in 1% increments to one or more of the following
funds within the Master Trust: Stock Market Fund, Money Market Fund, Fixed
Income Fund, Fidelity Growth Company Fund, Vanguard Balanced Index Fund, or the
Company Stock Fund ("allocable funds"). Allocations among the funds may be
changed at the participant's discretion on a daily basis.

<PAGE>   11

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)


The purpose of the Funds is the collective investment of the assets of
participating employee benefit plans of the Company. The Funds' assets are
allocated among participating plans by assigning to each plan those transactions
(primarily contributions and benefit payments) which can be specifically
identified and allocating among all plans, in proportion to the fair value of
the assets assigned to each plan, the income and expenses resulting from the
collective investment of the assets of the Funds. Certain funds include assets
of other employee benefit plans in addition to those included in these financial

<PAGE>   12

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The following table presents the fair value of investments for the separate
investment accounts of the Master Trust:


                                                                              COMPANY           GROWTH               FIXED
                                                                               STOCK            COMPANY              INCOME
DECEMBER 31, 1998                                                               FUND             FUND                 FUND
<S>                                                                       <C>               <C>                  <C>
   Accrued investment income                                              $          8,363   $             -     $        29,456
   Net unsettled sales of investments                                                    -                 -                   -
   Investments at fair value as determined by quoted market prices:
      Chase Cash Investment Fund                                                 1,748,278                 -           5,850,633
      Cooper Cameron Corporation common stock                                   51,949,016                 -                   -
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                                                       -        24,978,405                   -
      U.S. Stock Index Fund                                                              -                 -                   -
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                                                       -                 -                   -
   Investments at estimated fair value or contract value:
      Investment contracts                                                               -                 -          75,756,490
      Loans to participants                                                              -                 -                   -
      Plan loans                                                                         -                 -           1,271,364
                                                                         -----------------   ---------------     ---------------
   Total investments                                                            53,697,294        24,978,405          82,878,487
                                                                         -----------------   ---------------     ---------------
Total assets                                                                    53,705,657        24,978,405          82,907,943
                                                                         -----------------   ---------------     ---------------

   Net unsettled purchases of investments                                          247,974                 -                   -
                                                                         -----------------   ---------------     ---------------
Net assets available to participating plans                              $      53,457,683   $    24,978,405     $    82,907,943
                                                                         =================   ===============     ===============


                                                                              MONEY            STOCK            BALANCED
                                                                             MARKET            MARKET             INDEX
DECEMBER 31, 1998                                                             FUND              FUND              FUND
<S>                                                                      <C>               <C>               <C>
   Accrued investment income                                              $        86,540  $         3,698   $             -
   Net unsettled sales of investments                                                   -          161,000                 -
   Investments at fair value as determined by quoted market prices:
      Chase Cash Investment Fund                                               20,110,412          839,027                 -
      Cooper Cameron Corporation common stock                                           -                -                 -
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                                                      -                -                 -
      U.S. Stock Index Fund                                                             -       86,308,328                 -
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                                                      -                -        39,354,834
   Investments at estimated fair value or contract value:
      Investment contracts                                                              -                -                 -
      Loans to participants                                                             -                -                 -
      Plan loans                                                                        -                -                 -
                                                                          ---------------  ---------------   ---------------
   Total investments                                                           20,110,412       87,147,355        39,354,834
                                                                          ---------------  ---------------   ---------------
Total assets                                                                   20,196,952       87,312,053        39,354,834
                                                                          ---------------  ---------------   ---------------

   Net unsettled purchases of investments                                               -                -                 -
                                                                          ---------------  ---------------   ---------------
Net assets available to participating plans                               $    20,196,952  $    87,312,053   $    39,354,834
                                                                          ===============  ===============   ===============

<PAGE>   13
                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The following table presents the fair value of investments for the separate
investment accounts of the Master Trust:

                                                                              COMPANY           GROWTH             FIXED
                                                                               STOCK            COMPANY            INCOME
DECEMBER 31, 1997                                                               FUND             FUND               FUND
<S>                                                                       <C>               <C>                <C>
   Accrued investment income                                              $          9,336   $             -   $        47,042
   Investments at fair value as determined by quoted market prices:
      Chase Cash Investment Fund                                                 1,786,660                 -        12,699,017
      Chase S&P 500 Index Fund                                                           -                 -                 -
      Cooper Cameron Corporation common stock                                  107,599,486                 -                 -
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                                                       -        16,795,005                 -
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                                                       -                 -                 -
   Investments at estimated fair value or contract value:
      Investment contracts                                                               -                 -        63,089,937
                                                                          ----------------   ---------------   ---------------
   Total investments                                                           109,386,146        16,795,005        75,788,954
                                                                          ----------------   ---------------   ---------------
Net assets available to participating plans                               $    109,395,482   $    16,795,005   $    75,835,996
                                                                          ================   ===============   ===============


                                                                               MONEY            STOCK            BALANCED
                                                                              MARKET           MARKET             INDEX
DECEMBER 31, 1997                                                              FUND             FUND              FUND
<S>                                                                     <C>               <C>               <C>
   Accrued investment income                                               $        71,465  $        90,190   $             -
   Investments at fair value as determined by quoted market prices:
      Chase Cash Investment Fund                                                14,766,289        1,057,597                 -
      Chase S&P 500 Index Fund                                                           -       59,303,072                 -
      Cooper Cameron Corporation common stock                                            -                -                 -
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                                                       -                -                 -
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                                                       -                -        18,723,573
   Investments at estimated fair value or contract value:
      Investment contracts                                                               -                -                 -
                                                                           ---------------  ---------------   ---------------
   Total investments                                                            14,766,289       60,360,669        18,723,573
                                                                           ---------------  ---------------   ---------------
Net assets available to participating plans                                $    14,837,754  $    60,450,859   $    18,723,573
                                                                           ===============  ===============   ===============

<PAGE>   14

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Investment income and net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of
investments for the separate investment accounts of the Master Trust are as

                                                                                              COMPANY            GROWTH
                                                                                               STOCK            COMPANY
YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998                                                                   FUND               FUND
<S>                                                                                     <C>                  <C>
Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments as determined by
   quoted market prices:
      Chase S&P 500 Index Fund                                                          $               -     $            -
      Cooper Cameron Corporation common stock                                                 (63,125,161)                 -
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                                                                      -          3,282,821
      U.S. Stock Index Fund                                                                             -                  -
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                                                                      -                  -
                                                                                        -----------------     --------------
                                                                                              (63,125,161)         3,282,821
Interest and dividends                                                                            344,981          1,715,458
                                                                                        -----------------     --------------
                                                                                        $     (62,780,180)    $    4,998,279
                                                                                        =================     ==============


                                                                                             FIXED            MONEY
                                                                                            INCOME            MARKET
YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998                                                                 FUND              FUND
<S>                                                                                     <C>               <C>
Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments as determined by
   quoted market prices:
      Chase S&P 500 Index Fund                                                          $              -    $         -
      Cooper Cameron Corporation common stock                                                          -              -
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                                                                     -              -
      U.S. Stock Index Fund                                                                            -              -
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                                                                     -              -
                                                                                        ----------------    -----------
                                                                                                       -              -
Interest and dividends                                                                         5,022,488        914,303
                                                                                        ----------------    -----------
                                                                                        $      5,022,488    $   914,303
                                                                                        ================    ===========


                                                                                             STOCK            BALANCED
                                                                                             MARKET            INDEX
YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998                                                                  FUND              FUND
<S>                                                                                     <C>                <C>
Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments as determined by
   quoted market prices:
      Chase S&P 500 Index Fund                                                           $    14,105,672   $            -
      Cooper Cameron Corporation common stock                                                          -                -
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                                                                     -                -
      U.S. Stock Index Fund                                                                    3,653,901                -
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                                                                     -        4,572,042
                                                                                         ---------------   --------------
                                                                                              17,759,573        4,572,042
Interest and dividends                                                                         1,053,346        1,039,822
                                                                                         ---------------   --------------
                                                                                         $    18,812,919   $    5,611,864
                                                                                         ===============   ==============

<PAGE>   15

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The Fixed Income Fund invests in actively managed Synthetic Bank and Insurance
Company Investment Contracts ("SICs") and in Guaranteed Investment Contracts
("GICs"). The GICs are promises by insurance companies or a bank to repay the
principal plus accrued income at contract maturity. SICs differ from GICs in
that the assets supporting the SICs are owned by the Master Trust. The bank or
insurance company issues a wrapper contract that allows participant directed
transactions to be made at contract value. Wrapper contracts are valued as the
difference between the fair value of the supporting assets and the contract
value. The assets supporting the SICs owned by the Master Trust are comprised of
corporate bonds, asset backed bonds, mutual funds, and common trust funds with a
fair value of $55,573,148 and $27,501,143 at December 31, 1998 and 1997,
respectively. The contract values of the SICs at December 31, 1998 and 1997 were
$54,603,992 and $27,069,062, respectively.

Interest crediting rates on the contracts in the Fixed Income Fund are generally
determined at the time of purchase. At December 31, 1998 the interest crediting
rates for all contracts ranged from 5.7% to 9.5%. At December 31, 1997 the
interest crediting rates for all contracts ranged from 5.5% to 9.5%.

For 1998 and 1997, the average annual yield for the investment contracts in the
Fixed Income Fund was 6.4% and 6.6%, respectively. At December 31, 1998 and
1997, fair value of the investment contracts in the Fund was estimated to be
approximately 102% and 101% of contract value, respectively. Fair value was
estimated by discounting the weighted average of the Fund's cash flows at the
then-current interest crediting rate for a comparable maturity investment


Each of the Plans is a profit sharing plan which provides payments to eligible
employees of the respective plans at termination, retirement, death, or

Should the Plans terminate, the assets will be distributed according to the
total amount in each participant's account, including earnings thereon less
related benefits and expenses. Distributions shall be made as soon as
practicable to members or their beneficiaries by payments in lump sum.

<PAGE>   16

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Information about the Plans, the funding, vesting, and benefit provisions is
contained in each Plan's Summary Plan Description. Copies of these pamphlets are
available at the Company's corporate office.


The Plans have been designed to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue
Code ("IRC") under Sections 401(a) and 501(a) and, therefore, are not subject to
tax under present income tax laws. Once qualified, the Plans are required to
operate in conformity with the IRC to maintain their qualifications. A favorable
determination has been obtained for each of the Plans in which the Internal
Revenue Service stated that each Plan, as then designed, was in compliance with
the applicable requirements of the IRC. All Plans have been amended since
receiving their determination letters. However, the Company believes that the
Plans are currently designed and being operated in compliance with the
applicable requirements of the IRC.


For the year ended December 31, 1998, net asset admissions (withdrawals)
represent the following:

     PLAN NO.                               CORPORATION RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>                   <C>
       005                                         $    (37,535)
       006                                         $     35,761
       007                                         $    (10,917)
       008                                         $    (45,600)
       010                                         $    (11,121)

<PAGE>   17

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The Company has determined that it will be necessary to take certain steps in
order to ensure that the Plans' information systems are prepared to handle year
2000 dates. The Company is taking a two phase approach. The first phase
addresses internal systems that must be modified or replaced to function
properly. Both internal and external resources are being utilized to replace or
modify existing software applications, and test the software and equipment for
the year 2000 modifications. The Company anticipates substantially completing
this phase of the project by June 1999. Costs associated with modifying software
and equipment are not estimated to be significant and will be paid by the

For the second phase of the project, Plan management established formal
communications with its third-party service providers to determine that they
have developed plans to address their own year 2000 problems as they relate to
the Plans' operations. All third-party service providers have indicated that
they will be year 2000 compliant by mid-1999. If modifications of data
processing systems of either the Plans, the Company, or its service providers
are not completed timely, the year 2000 problem could have a material impact on
the operations of the Plans. Plan management has developed a contingency plan in
the event that all systems are not year 2000 ready.

<PAGE>   18

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The following is a reconciliation of net assets available for benefits and
benefits paid to participants per the financial statements to the Form 5500 at
December 31, 1998:


                                                                                    NET ASSETS AVAILABLE    AMOUNTS ALLOCATED TO
                                                                                    FOR BENEFITS PER THE        WITHDRAWING
   PLAN NO.                                PLAN NAME                                FINANCIAL STATEMENTS        PARTICIPANTS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>           <C>                                                                   <C>                     <C>
     005      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                  at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant           $     7,536,817        $     (3,466)

     006      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                  at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility               $    16,114,257        $    (29,549)

     007      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                  at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility     $     5,987,455        $   (514,644)

     008      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at
                  the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                   $    18,768,716        $     (2,010)

     010      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
                  Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                        $     3,341,438        $          -

                                                                                       NET ASSETS AVAILABLE      BENEFITS PAID TO
                                                                                         FOR BENEFITS PER        PARTICIPANTS PER
   PLAN NO.                                PLAN NAME                                        FORM 5500       THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>          <C>                                                                      <C>                   <C>
    005      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                 at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant              $     7,533,351         $     125,890

    006      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                 at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility                  $    16,084,708         $   1,601,652

    007      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                 at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility        $     5,472,811         $   1,420,123

    008      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at
                 the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                      $    18,766,706         $     986,703

    010      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
                 Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                           $     3,341,438         $     116,494

                                                                                     LESS AMOUNTS
                                                                                     ALLOCATED TO         PLUS AMOUNTS ALLOCATED TO
                                                                                     WITHDRAWING                 WITHDRAWING
                                                                                    PARTICIPANTS AT             PARTICIPANTS AT
  PLAN NO.                                PLAN NAME                                DECEMBER 31, 1997         DECEMBER 31, 1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>       <C>                                                                <C>                         <C>
   005    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
              at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant            $          -               $      3,466

   006    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
              at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility                $    (36,319)              $     29,549

   007    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
              at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility      $       (780)              $    514,644

   008    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at
              the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                    $          -               $      2,010

   010    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
              Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                         $       (242)              $          -

                                                                                       BENEFITS PAID TO
PLAN NO.                            PLAN NAME                                     PARTICIPANTS PER FORM 5500
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>      <C>                                                                       <C>
  005    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
             at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant                  $      129,356

  006    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
             at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility                      $    1,594,882

  007    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
             at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility            $    1,933,987

  008    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at
             the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                          $      988,713

  010    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
             Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                               $      116,252


<PAGE>   19

                      Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The following is a reconciliation of net assets available for benefits per the
financial statements to the Form 5500 at December 31, 1997:


                                                                                      NET ASSETS AVAILABLE    AMOUNTS ALLOCATED TO
                                                                                      FOR BENEFITS PER THE        WITHDRAWING
   PLAN NO.                                PLAN NAME                                  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS       PARTICIPANTS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>           <C>                                                                     <C>                     <C>
     005      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                  at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant
                                                                                      $     6,544,887         $         -
     006      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                  at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility
                                                                                      $    15,713,253         $   (36,319)
     007      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                  at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility
                                                                                      $     7,415,144         $      (780)
     008      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at
                  the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant
                                                                                      $    17,189,325         $         -
     010      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
                  Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant
                                                                                      $     2,870,994         $      (242)

                                                                                      NET ASSETS AVAILABLE
                                                                                        FOR BENEFITS PER
PLAN NO.                                PLAN NAME                                          FORM 5500
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<S>        <C>                                                                       <C>
  005      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
               at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Buffalo, New York Plant                  $     6,544,887

  006      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
               at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Grove City Facility                      $    15,676,934

  007      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
               at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility            $     7,414,364

  008      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees at
               the Cooper Cameron Corporation Mount Vernon Plant                          $    17,189,325

  010      Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
               Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant                               $     2,870,752


<PAGE>   20

     Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Fund information for each of the plans is as follows:

        Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
                       at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
                     Buffalo, New York Plant (Plan No. 005)

                 Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                                                      PLAN INTEREST                                       PLAN INTEREST
                                                       PERCENTAGE IN                                      PERCENTAGE IN
                                                      COOPER CAMERON                                      COOPER CAMERON
                                                  CORPORATION MASTER TRUST                               CORPORATION MASTER
                                                  FOR DEFINED CONTRIBUTION                               TRUST FOR DEFINED
                                                          PLANS                                         CONTRIBUTION PLANS
                                                         FUNDS AT                                            FUNDS AT
                                                     DECEMBER 31, 1998          DECEMBER 31              DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                                     (NOTES 1 AND 2)       1998              1997        (NOTES 1 AND 2)
<S>                                                <C>               <C>             <C>                <C>
Contributions receivable:
   Employer                                                          $      33,626   $       32,948
   Employee                                                                 43,535           45,779
Total contributions receivable                                              77,161           78,727

Plan interest in Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
   Trust for Defined Contribution Plans (Notes 1 and 2):
      Company Stock Fund                                   1.198%          640,204        1,045,144           0.955%
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                         2.711%          677,241          456,114           2.716%
      Fixed Income Fund                                    2.009%        1,665,570        1,595,979           2.105%
      Money Market Fund                                    3.247%          655,818          388,982           2.622%
      Stock Market Fund                                    2.254%        1,968,259        1,321,261           2.186%
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                         4.707%        1,852,564        1,658,680           8.859%
Total Plan interest in Master Trust                                      7,459,656        6,466,160
Net assets available for benefits                                    $   7,536,817   $    6,544,887

See accompanying notes.


<PAGE>   21

     Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
                           Cooper Cameron Corporation
                       Grove City Facility (Plan No. 006)

                 Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                                                       PLAN INTEREST                                      PLAN INTEREST
                                                       PERCENTAGE IN                                      PERCENTAGE IN
                                                      COOPER CAMERON                                      COOPER CAMERON
                                                  CORPORATION MASTER TRUST                               CORPORATION MASTER
                                                  FOR DEFINED CONTRIBUTION                               TRUST FOR DEFINED
                                                          PLANS                                         CONTRIBUTION PLANS
                                                         FUNDS AT                                            FUNDS AT
                                                     DECEMBER 31, 1998          DECEMBER 31              DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                                     (NOTES 1 AND 2)       1998              1997        (NOTES 1 AND 2)
<S>                                                <C>               <C>             <C>                <C>
Contributions receivable:
   Employer                                                            $     53,732       $   51,473
   Employee                                                                  42,856           49,655
Total contributions receivable                                               96,588          101,128

Plan interest in Cooper Cameron Corporation
   Master Trust for Defined Contribution Plans
    (Notes 1 and 2):
      Company Stock Fund                                 1.172%             626,524        1,329,771              1.216%
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                       5.632%           1,406,744          991,647              5.904%
      Fixed Income Fund                                 10.703%           8,873,605        9,602,347             12.662%
      Money Market Fund                                  3.838%             775,164          216,684              1.460%
      Stock Market Fund                                  2.256%           1,969,584        1,393,916              2.306%
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                       6.012%           2,366,048        2,077,760             11.097%
Total Plan interest in Master Trust                                      16,017,669       15,612,125
Net assets available for benefits                                      $ 16,114,257   $   15,713,253

See accompanying notes.


<PAGE>   22

     Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


    Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees at the
                           Cooper Cameron Corporation
                  Missouri City, Texas Facility (Plan No. 007)

                 Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                                                       PLAN INTEREST                                      PLAN INTEREST
                                                       PERCENTAGE IN                                      PERCENTAGE IN
                                                      COOPER CAMERON                                      COOPER CAMERON
                                                  CORPORATION MASTER TRUST                               CORPORATION MASTER
                                                  FOR DEFINED CONTRIBUTION                               TRUST FOR DEFINED
                                                          PLANS                                         CONTRIBUTION PLANS
                                                         FUNDS AT                                            FUNDS AT
                                                     DECEMBER 31, 1998          DECEMBER 31              DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                                     (NOTES 1 AND 2)       1998              1997        (NOTES 1 AND 2)
<S>                                                <C>                 <C>              <C>              <C>
Contributions receivable:
   Employer                                                              $    15,628     $    36,442
   Employee                                                                   12,199          34,298
Total contributions receivable                                                27,827          70,740

Plan interest in Cooper Cameron Corporation
   Master Trust for Defined Contribution Plans
    (Notes 1 and 2):
      Company Stock Fund                                 1.408%              752,609       1,490,548           1.363%
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                       0.599%              149,731         147,829           0.880%
      Fixed Income Fund                                  4.865%            4,033,410       4,962,349           6.544%
      Money Market Fund                                  1.935%              390,833         113,309           0.764%
      Stock Market Fund                                  0.279%              243,503         288,840           0.478%
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                       0.990%              389,542         341,529           1.824%
Total Plan interest in Master Trust                                        5,959,628       7,344,404
Net assets available for benefits                                        $ 5,987,455     $ 7,415,144

See accompanying notes.


<PAGE>   23

     Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


          Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees
                       at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
                        Mount Vernon Plant (Plan No. 008)

                 Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                                                       PLAN INTEREST                                      PLAN INTEREST
                                                       PERCENTAGE IN                                      PERCENTAGE IN
                                                      COOPER CAMERON                                      COOPER CAMERON
                                                  CORPORATION MASTER TRUST                               CORPORATION MASTER
                                                  FOR DEFINED CONTRIBUTION                               TRUST FOR DEFINED
                                                          PLANS                                         CONTRIBUTION PLANS
                                                         FUNDS AT                                            FUNDS AT
                                                     DECEMBER 31, 1998          DECEMBER 31              DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                                     (NOTES 1 AND 2)       1998              1997        (NOTES 1 AND 2)
<S>                                                <C>                 <C>              <C>              <C>
Contributions receivable:
   Employer                                                              $   86,164   $      112,736
   Employee                                                                  70,738          104,669
Total contributions receivable                                              156,902          217,405

Plan interest in Cooper Cameron Corporation
   Master Trust for Defined Contribution Plans
    (Notes 1 and 2):
      Company Stock Fund                                   3.606%         1,927,827        2,401,523          2.195%
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                         7.360%         1,838,521        1,459,547          8.690%
      Fixed Income Fund                                    8.830%         7,320,643        7,456,623          9.833%
      Money Market Fund                                   10.654%         2,151,870        1,336,050          9.004%
      Stock Market Fund                                    2.751%         2,402,058        1,915,658          3.169%
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                         7.549%         2,970,895        2,402,519         12.832%
Total Plan interest in Master Trust                                      18,611,814       16,971,920
Net assets available for benefits                                      $ 18,768,716   $   17,189,325

See accompanying notes.


<PAGE>   24

     Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


        Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper Cameron Corporation
           Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant (Plan No. 010)

                 Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                                                      PLAN INTEREST                                        PLAN INTEREST
                                                     PERCENTAGE IN                                        PERCENTAGE IN
                                                     COOPER CAMERON                                       COOPER CAMERON
                                                    CORPORATION MASTER                                   CORPORATION MASTER
                                                    TRUST FOR DEFINED                                    TRUST FOR DEFINED
                                                   CONTRIBUTION PLANS                                   CONTRIBUTION PLANS
                                                        FUNDS AT                                             FUNDS AT
                                                    DECEMBER 31, 1998           DECEMBER 31              DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                                    (NOTES 1 AND 2)        1998              1997        (NOTES 1 AND 2)
<S>                                                <C>                 <C>              <C>              <C>
Contributions receivable:
   Employer                                                             $    16,705      $     9,863
   Employee                                                                  16,090           21,204
Total contributions receivable                                               32,795           31,067

Plan interest in Cooper Cameron Corporation
   Master Trust for Defined
   Contribution Plans (Notes 1 and 2):
      Company Stock Fund                                  0.508%            271,513           36,512           0.033%
      Fidelity Growth Company Fund                        1.516%            378,688               --              --
      Fixed Income Fund                                   2.057%          1,705,178        2,786,425           3.674%
      Money Market Fund                                   0.828%            167,250               --              --
      Stock Market Fund                                   0.413%            360,790               --              --
      Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                        1.080%            425,224           16,990           0.091%
Total Plan interest in Master Trust                                       3,308,643        2,839,927
Net assets available for benefits                                       $ 3,341,438      $ 2,870,994

See accompanying notes.


<PAGE>   25

                       Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


                Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
                Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
                     Buffalo, New York Plant (Plan No. 005)

                  Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
                       for Benefits With Fund Information

                          Year ended December 31, 1998

                                                                         COMPANY         GROWTH        FIXED         MONEY
                                                                          STOCK         COMPANY        INCOME        MARKET
                                                                           FUND           FUND          FUND          FUND
<S>                                                                    <C>            <C>           <C>            <C>
      Employer                                                         $    46,758    $    33,498   $    40,324    $   111,043
      Employee                                                              66,708         48,511        65,684         88,163
Total contributions                                                        113,466         82,009       106,008        199,206

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                            (680,198)       122,863        95,873         24,591
Total additions                                                           (566,732)       204,872       201,881        223,797

   Benefits paid to participants                                              --             --         115,795         10,095

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                     162,812         16,648         2,556         50,441
   Net asset withdrawals (Note 5)                                           (4,690)          --         (17,341)          --
Total other changes                                                        158,122         16,648       (14,785)        50,441
Net increase (decrease)                                                   (408,610)       221,520        71,301        264,143

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                   1,056,353        462,860     1,605,007        406,973
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $   647,743    $   684,380   $ 1,676,308    $   671,116

                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
                                                                         STOCK         BALANCED
                                                                         MARKET         INDEX           TOTAL
                                                                          FUND           FUND            PLAN
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
<S>                                                                    <C>            <C>            <C>
      Employer                                                         $    86,011    $    75,723    $   393,357
      Employee                                                             133,403        112,277        514,746
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Total contributions                                                        219,414        188,000        908,103

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                             413,349        270,774        247,252
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Total additions                                                            632,763        458,774      1,155,355

   Benefits paid to participants                                              --             --          125,890

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                      23,382       (255,839)          --
   Net asset withdrawals (Note 5)                                           (7,752)        (7,752)       (37,535)
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Total other changes                                                         15,630       (263,591)       (37,535)
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Net increase (decrease)                                                    648,393        195,183        991,930

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                   1,339,436      1,674,258      6,544,887
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $ 1,987,829    $ 1,869,441    $ 7,536,817
                                                                       ==========================    ===========

* Ending fund balances include allocated contribution receivables.

See accompanying notes.

<PAGE>   26

                       Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                       Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


                Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
                Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
                       Grove City Facility (Plan No. 006)

                  Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
                       for Benefits With Fund Information

                          Year ended December 31, 1998

                                                                         COMPANY         GROWTH        FIXED         MONEY
                                                                          STOCK         COMPANY        INCOME        MARKET
                                                                           FUND           FUND          FUND          FUND
<S>                                                                    <C>            <C>           <C>            <C>
      Employer                                                         $    43,628    $    52,630   $    58,331    $   377,149
      Employee                                                              44,396         55,969        60,319        268,978
Total contributions                                                         88,024        108,599       118,650        646,127

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                            (883,654)       273,948       538,213         27,808
Total additions                                                           (795,630)       382,547       656,863        673,935

   Benefits paid to participants                                             9,119         27,417     1,387,846        104,506

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                      99,710         61,928       (25,277)       (28,742)
   Net asset admissions (Note 5)                                              --             --          33,597          2,164
Total other changes                                                         99,710         61,928         8,320        (26,578)

Net increase (decrease)                                                   (705,039)       417,058      (722,663)       542,851
Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                   1,337,242        998,701     9,608,085        277,115
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $   632,203    $ 1,415,759   $ 8,885,422    $   819,966

                                                                       -------------------------     -----------
                                                                         STOCK         BALANCED
                                                                         MARKET         MARKET          TOTAL
                                                                          FUND           FUND            PLAN
                                                                       -------------------------     -----------
<S>                                                                    <C>            <C>            <C>
      Employer                                                         $    56,147   $    84,870     $   672,755
      Employee                                                              58,009        99,578         587,249
                                                                       -------------------------     -----------
Total contributions                                                        114,156       184,448       1,260,004

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                             403,730       346,846         706,891
                                                                       -------------------------     -----------
Total additions                                                            517,886       531,294       1,966,895

   Benefits paid to participants                                            42,549        30,215       1,601,652

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                     102,827      (210,446)          --
   Net asset admissions (Note 5)                                              --            --            35,761
                                                                       -------------------------     -----------
Total other changes                                                        102,827      (210,446)         35,761
                                                                       -------------------------     -----------
Net increase (decrease)                                                    578,164       290,633         401,004

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                   1,401,630     2,090,480      15,713,253
                                                                       -------------------------     -----------
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $ 1,979,794   $ 2,381,113     $16,114,257
                                                                       =========================     ===========

* Ending fund balances include allocated contribution receivables.

See accompanying notes.

<PAGE>   27

                       Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


                Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining
                Unit Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
                  Missouri City, Texas Facility (Plan No. 007)

                  Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
                       for Benefits With Fund Information

                          Year ended December 31, 1998

                                                                         COMPANY         GROWTH        FIXED         MONEY
                                                                          STOCK         COMPANY        INCOME        MARKET
                                                                           FUND           FUND          FUND          FUND
<S>                                                                    <C>            <C>           <C>            <C>

      Employer                                                         $    20,168    $     4,885    $    17,077    $   219,393
      Employee                                                              38,533         10,997         47,536        138,435
Total contributions                                                         58,701         15,882         64,613        357,828

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                            (992,793)        36,195        290,025         15,683
Total additions                                                           (934,092)        52,077        354,638        373,511

   Benefits paid to participants                                            33,959         37,239      1,196,127         85,757

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                     226,964        (13,193)       (89,447)       (34,777)
   Net asset withdrawals (Note 5)                                             (547)        (1,090)        (3,063)        (5,286)
Total other changes                                                        226,417        (14,283)       (92,510)       (40,063)
Net increase (decrease)                                                   (741,634)           555       (933,999)       247,691

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                   1,497,627        149,932      4,971,312        160,445
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $   755,993    $   150,487    $ 4,037,313    $   408,136

                                                                         STOCK         BALANCED
                                                                         MARKET         MARKET          TOTAL
                                                                          FUND           FUND            PLAN
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
<S>                                                                    <C>            <C>            <C>
      Employer                                                         $     7,807    $    11,461    $   280,791
      Employee                                                              12,582         12,770        260,853
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Total contributions                                                         20,389         24,231        541,644

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                              58,476         54,121       (538,293)
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Total additions                                                             78,865         78,352          3,351

   Benefits paid to participants                                            33,257         33,784      1,420,123

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                     (92,101)         2,554           --
   Net asset withdrawals (Note 5)                                             (502)          (429)       (10,917)
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Total other changes                                                        (92,603)         2,125        (10,917)
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Net increase (decrease)                                                    (46,995)        46,693     (1,427,689)

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                     291,445        344,383      7,415,144
                                                                       --------------------------    -----------
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $   244,450    $   391,076    $ 5,987,455
                                                                       ==========================    ===========

* Ending fund balances include allocated contribution receivables.

See accompanying notes.

<PAGE>   28

                       Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


               Individual Account Retirement Plan for Hourly-Paid
                  Employees at the Cooper Cameron Corporation
                        Mount Vernon Plant (Plan No. 008)

                  Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
                       for Benefits With Fund Information

                          Year ended December 31, 1998

                                                                         COMPANY          GROWTH          FIXED           MONEY
                                                                          STOCK          COMPANY          INCOME          MARKET
                                                                           FUND            FUND            FUND            FUND
                                                                       -------------   ------------    ------------    ------------
<S>                                                                    <C>             <C>             <C>             <C>
      Employer                                                         $     79,386    $     92,381    $    115,279    $    579,722
      Employee                                                               53,177          88,662         154,656         370,433
                                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Total contributions                                                         132,563         181,043         269,935         950,155

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                           (1,334,728)        359,188         433,141          93,712
                                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Total additions                                                          (1,202,165)        540,231         703,076       1,043,867

   Benefits paid to participants                                              5,924          86,716         670,902          83,733

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                      727,982         (60,917)       (182,318)       (206,361
   Net asset admissions (withdrawals) (Note 5)                                2,928         (17,637)         13,958          15,478
                                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Total other changes                                                         730,910         (78,554)       (168,360)       (190,883
                                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Net increase (decrease)                                                    (477,179)        374,961        (136,186)        769,251

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                    2,414,151       1,476,967       7,482,147       1,448,585
                                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $  1,936,972    $  1,851,928    $  7,345,961    $  2,217,836
                                                                       ============    ============    ============    ============


                                                                             STOCK          BALANCED
                                                                            MARKET           INDEX            TOTAL
                                                                             FUND             FUND            PLAN
                                                                          ------------    ------------    ------------
<S>                                                                       <C>             <C>             <C>
      Employer                                                            $    110,046    $    144,773    $  1,121,587
      Employee                                                                 125,643         171,216         963,787
                                                                          ------------    ------------    ------------
Total contributions                                                            235,689         315,989       2,085,374

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                                 535,742         439,265         526,320
                                                                          ------------    ------------    ------------
Total additions                                                                771,431         755,254       2,611,694

   Benefits paid to participants                                                63,859          75,569         986,703

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                        (185,292)        (93,094)             --
   Net asset admissions (withdrawals) (Note 5)                                 (39,755)        (20,572)        (45,600)
                                                                          ------------    ------------    ------------
Total other changes                                                           (225,047)       (113,666)        (45,600)
                                                                          ------------    ------------    ------------
Net increase (decrease)                                                        482,525         566,019       1,579,391

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                       1,937,282       2,430,193      17,189,325
                                                                          ------------    ------------    ------------
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                         $  2,419,807    $  2,996,212    $ 18,768,716
                                                                          ============    ============    ============

* Ending fund balances include allocated contribution receivables.

See accompanying notes.

<PAGE>   29

                       Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


                  Individual Account Retirement Plan for Cooper
                Cameron Corporation Hourly Employees, IAM, at the
                          Superior Plant (Plan No. 010)

                  Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
                       for Benefits With Fund Information

                          Year ended December 31, 1998

                                                                         COMPANY         GROWTH         FIXED         MONEY
                                                                          STOCK         COMPANY        INCOME         MARKET
                                                                          FUND            FUND          FUND           FUND
                                                                        -----------    -----------   -----------   -----------
<S>                                                                    <C>            <C>           <C>            <C>
      Employer                                                         $     5,604    $    19,466   $    26,690    $   125,722
      Employee                                                               8,725         21,684        44,970         62,882
                                                                       -----------    -----------   -----------    -----------
Total contributions                                                         14,329         41,150        71,660        188,604

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                            (142,312)        74,386       105,007          5,032
                                                                       -----------    -----------   -----------    -----------
Total additions                                                           (127,983)       115,536       176,667        193,636

   Benefits paid to participants                                                --             --       114,264          2,230

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                     364,868        266,520    (1,127,720)       (42,276)
   Net asset withdrawals (Note 5)                                               --             --       (10,368)          (753)
                                                                       -----------    -----------   -----------    -----------
Total other changes                                                        364,868        266,520    (1,138,088)       (43,029)
                                                                       -----------    -----------   -----------    -----------
Net increase                                                               236,885        382,056    (1,075,685)       148,377

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                      36,512            119     2,786,860         29,957
                                                                       -----------    -----------   -----------    -----------
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $   273,397    $   382,175   $ 1,711,175    $   178,334
                                                                       ===========    ===========   ===========    ===========


                                                                          STOCK        BALANCED
                                                                         MARKET         INDEX         TOTAL
                                                                          FUND           FUND         PLAN
                                                                       ------------  ------------  ------------
<S>                                                                    <C>             <C>             <C>
      Employer                                                         $    20,367   $    23,586   $   221,435
      Employee                                                              31,756        35,856       205,873
                                                                       -----------   -----------   -----------
Total contributions                                                         52,123        59,442       427,308

   Net investment gain (loss) from Cooper Cameron Corporation Master
      Trust for Defined Contribution Plans, net of expenses
      (Note 2)                                                              69,847        58,791       170,751
                                                                       -----------   -----------   -----------
Total additions                                                            121,970       118,233       598,059

   Benefits paid to participants                                                --            --       116,494

Other changes in net assets:
   Interfund transfers                                                     243,215       295,393            --
   Net asset withdrawals (Note 5)                                               --            --       (11,121)
                                                                       -----------   -----------   -----------
Total other changes                                                        243,215       295,393       (11,121)
                                                                       -----------   -----------   -----------
Net increase                                                               365,185       413,626       470,444

Net assets available for benefits at beginning of year                         118        17,428     2,870,994
                                                                       -----------   -----------   -----------
Net assets available for benefits at end of year*                      $   365,303   $   431,054   $ 3,341,438
                                                                       ===========   ===========   ===========

* Ending fund balances include allocated contribution receivables.

See accompanying notes.

<PAGE>   30
                       Cooper Cameron Corporation Selected
                      Individual Account Retirement Plans

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The Company intends to close the Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas
facility during 1999. As a result, participants terminating employment at this
facility subsequent to January 1, 1999 were fully vested in their account
balances in the Individual Account Retirement Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees
at the Cooper Cameron Corporation Missouri City, Texas Facility.

<PAGE>   31

         The Plan. Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the members of the Plan Administration Committee have duly caused this
annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly


     /s/  Jane L. Crowder
- --------------------------------------
By:  Jane L. Crowder
     Member of the Plan Administration

Date:  June 29, 1999


<PAGE>   32
                               INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Number                   Description
- -------                  -----------
<S>                 <C>
  23                Consent of Independent Auditors

<PAGE>   1
                                                                      EXHIBIT 23

                         CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement (Form
S-8 No. 333-57995) pertaining to the Individual Account Retirement Plan For
Cooper Cameron Corporation Hourly Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant of our
report dated June 11, 1999 with respect to the financial statements of the
Individual Account Retirement Plan For Cooper Cameron Corporation Hourly
Employees, IAM, at the Superior Plant included in this Annual Report (Form 11-K)
for the year ended December 31, 1998.

                                                        ERNST & YOUNG LLP

June 24, 1999
Houston, Texas


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