6-K, 2000-12-14
Previous: TAX EXEMPT SECURITIES TRUST CALIFORNIA TRUST 180, 487, EX-99.5.1, 2000-12-14


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   F O R M 6-K

                      Pursuant to Section 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           For the month of December 2000

                                 RADVISION LTD.
                              (Name of Registrant)

                 24 Raoul Wallenberg St., Tel Aviv 69719 Israel
                     (Address of Principal Executive Office)

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  files or will file annual
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     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information
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                                 RADVISION LTD.

6-K Items

1.   RADVision   Ltd.   Press  Release  dated   December  11,  2000  re  StarBak
     Communications  Licenses  RADVision  Technology for Torrent Streaming Media
     Network Appliance.


                                                                          ITEM 1


For Immediate Release

                                                              Jody Burfening
Karen Gurwitz              David Seligman                     Sanjay Hurry
Dir. Corp. Communications  CFO                                IR for RADVision
RADVision, Inc.            RADVision, Ltd.                    LHA
Tel: 201.529.4300, x305    Tel: +972.3.645.5446               Tel: 212.838.3777
[email protected]     [email protected]         [email protected]
www.radvision.com          www.radvision.com                  www.lhai.com

Ray Harris                 Ken Krause
Starbak Comm.              Tech Image, Ltd. (PR for StarBak)
Tel: 614.865.9150          Tel: 847.632.0040, 228
Fax: 614.865.9149          Fax: 847.632.1841
[email protected]            [email protected]
www.StarBak.net            www.techimage.com

            StarBak Communications Licenses RADVision Technology for
                   Torrent Streaming Media Network Appliance


Columbus,  OH & Mahwah,  NJ,  December 11, 2000 -- StarBak  Communications,  the
newly established leader in LINUX-based streaming media solutions, and RADVision
(NASDAQ:  RVSN),  the  leading  provider  of  award-winning,   industry-standard
products and technology  for real-time  voice and video  communication  over IP,
announced today that they have signed an agreement to license  RADVision's H.323
enabling  software for  integration  into StarBak's new Torrent  streaming media
network appliance product line. StarBak is using RADVision's  technology to give
streaming  media  clients  using  QuickTime  and Windows  Media Player access to
webcast-enabled, real-time H.323 conferencing.

Gartner  Dataquest has  predicted  that nearly half of U.S.  businesses  will be
using streaming  media  applications by the end of 2001, up from just 17 percent
in 1999. The Torrent product line will help these  organizations bring streaming
media online faster (and keep it online easier) by providing software, dedicated
hardware, and operating system in a single appliance,  simplifying  installation
and management.

"RADVision's  H.323  enabling  software is an integral  part of our  strategy of
simplification,"  said Ray Harris,  president  and chief  operating  officer for
StarBak  Communications.  "Our vision is to provide a single unit that can do it
all.  Torrent is already  the first  streaming  media  product  that can deliver
Windows  Media  Player,  QuickTime,  and MPEG1 file  formats  from a single user
interface.  Partnering  with  RADVision,  the  market-leading  in H.323 enabling
technology,  extends this  interoperability even further to provide the broadest
reach from a single solution."

"StarBak's  innovative use of RADVision's H.323 technology will enable the large
population of Media Player and QuickTime  streaming media clients to have access
to  H.323-based  real-time  voice and video  communication  sessions,"  said Dr.
Michelle  Blank,  VP of Galactic  Marketing  for  RADVision.  "As  champions for
interoperable, industry standards for voice and video over IP, RADVision derives
a great  deal of  satisfaction  seeing  our  customers  use  our  technology  to
facilitating the widespread deployment of IP-centric conferencing."



StarBak's initial targets for Torrent will be for corporate applications such as
distance learning and internal communications.  The latter will create a virtual
video  intranet  that   organizations   can  use  for  team  building,   product
introductions,  and other  communications  that will be  enhanced  by the use of
voice and video rather than simple text  messages.  Its ability to deliver 1,000
simultaneous streams at a rate of 300 Mbps while being managed by a junior-level
IT person makes it more  accessible  to more types of  organizations;  hence the
need for a widely accepted, high-performance standard for VoIP.

About StarBak

StarBak  Communications is dedicated to helping large and mid-tier organizations
reduce the cost and  complexity  of  delivering  streaming  media to  customers,
employees,  and business  partners through the development of all-in-one  server
appliances with imbedded operating  systems.  These solutions are designed to be
easily  integrated  into  existing  network   infrastructures   while  providing
performance far superior to other available solutions,  including the ability to
stream  multiple  formats from a single unit. The company was founded in 1999 in
Columbus,  Ohio,  and its first  product,  the Torrent  streaming  media network
appliance,  was launched in Q4 of 2000. For more information,  contact:  StarBak
Communications,  757  Brooksedge  Plaza  Drive,  Columbus,  Ohio,  43081;  phone
614-865-9150; fax 614-865-9149, [email protected]; www.StarBak.net.

About RADVision

RADVision is a leading provider of products and technology that enable real-time
voice,  video,  and data  communications  over packet  networks,  including  the
Internet and other  networks based on the Internet  protocol or IP.  RADVision's
products and technology are used by RADVision  customers to develop systems that
enable  enterprises and service providers to use next generation packet networks
for  real-time  IP  communications.   RADVision  is  actively  involved  in  the
development of the industry  standards that are driving the emergence and growth
of the  use of  packet  networks  for  real-time  communications,  and  was  the
first-to-market  with  enabling  technology  and the  products  required for the
transmission  of  real-time  voice,  video and data over packet  networks.  As a
result,  RADVision  is well  positioned  to lead the market  with  products  and
technology that enable  enterprises and service providers to migrate their voice
and video communications from traditional  telephone networks to next generation
packet networks.  The company's products and technology include  standards-based
gateways,  conferencing  bridges,  gatekeepers and software  toolkits.  For more
information, please visit our website at: www.radvision.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
and uncertainties.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
from these  forward-looking  statements include, but are not limited to, general
business conditions in the industry,  changes in demand for products, the timing
and amount or  cancellation of orders and other risks detailed from time to time
in RADVision's  filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including
RADVision's Form F-1 registration statement.

                            All trademarks recognized



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  RADVISION LTD.

                                                   By   /s/David Seligman

                                                       David Seligman
                                                       Chief Financial Officer

Dated: December 14, 2000

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